LabLogic buys RC detector manufacturer IN/US


LabLogic Systems has acquired IN/US Systems Inc, the manufacturer of radio chromatography flow-through detectors and counters for bio-medical research.

The acquisition consolidates a long-standing association under which LabLogic has provided its Laura data collection and analysis software for IN/US instruments and represented the company in the UK and Europe.

IN/US is continuing to trade under its own name and retains its established sales network in the USA

The common ownership will make life easier for customers of both companies by providing a single source of expertise for software and hardware alike.

LabLogic chairman John Clapham said: 'On these occasions it is customary to talk about the 'potential synergy' between the two companies, but in the case of LabLogic and IN/US the synergy has been actual since Ed Rapkin started IN/US in 1990; in fact our personal association goes back another 20 years before that.'

IN/US's original (and still best-selling) product is Beta-RAM, the pharmaceutical industry's most widely used RHPLC flow-through detector, subsequently complemented by Gamma-RAM (for soft gamma emitters), GC-RAM (for gas chromatography), the coincidence positron counter Posi-RAM, and TRI-SORBER, the first production manifold for generating and handling uranium-sequestered tritium. the manufacturer of radio chromatography flow-through detectors and counters for bio-medical research."

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