News Archive

LabLogic Group Holdings acquire Bartec Technologies Limited
LabLogic Group Holdings is pleased to announce the acquisition of Bartec Technologies Ltd, a UK-based...

The 300SL/600SL’s unique triple PMT detector system can help assess a false-positive from true radioactivity
The 300SL/600SL’s unique triple PMT detector system can help assess a false-positive from true radioactivity.

Announcing the new, compact Posi-RAM 2
Built on proven technology, the new Posi-RAM 2 offers unsurpassed performance for a PET Metabolite radio-HPLC Detector.
Madrid's new hospital takes its first delivery
The Clinica Universitaria de Madrid in Spain recently invested in a Scan-RAM unit and Laura for PET for their new facility.

The new combined PET/SPECT Radio-TLC Scanner and MCA
The new Scan-RAM MCA combines a PET/SPECT Radio-TLC Scanner and Multichannel Analyser, providing accurate and reproducible results.

A radiopharmacy LIMS with a pedigree second to none
Introducing SPECTra, a purpose built radiopharmacy LIMS from the world's leading PET LIMS provider designed to improve efficiency and compliance within your radiopharmacy.

Check out our new Hidex 300SL video
Watch our new 300SL video demonstration by a product specialist, showcasing some advantages to this powerful LSC
Introducing the InCellis...
An introduction to InCellis; the new generation of cell imager from Bertin Instruments

A successful PETra User Group in Vienna
Before EANM 17, LabLogic held a PETra User Group, connecting worldwide delegates to discuss topics such as batch reporting, quality management systems & regulatory compliance in PETra.

See the eagerly anticipated Tracer-QC at EANM 17
LabLogic will be exhibiting at the upcoming European Association of Nuclear Medicine 2017 in Vienna on the 22nd to the 24th October.

Introducing the next generation flow detector for radio-HPLC
After over 30 years of development, the new Beta-RAM Model 6 to raises the bar for radiochromatographers, click here to read more about the story.

Tracer-QC project in line with expectations, as early adopter sites close in on a deal
The eagerly anticipated Tracer-QC has been the talk of the industry since the concept was launched back in 2015. The potential benefits of...

Environmental Chambers & the Hidex Sense Microplate Reader
LabLogic have teamed up with Don Whitley Scientific to fit the Hidex Sense Microplate Reader inside their environmental chambers.

Gas Control for the Hidex Sense Microplate Reader
The gas control option works to lower gas consumption and reach optimal conditions at a faster rate.
GMP Services help to validate N13-Ammonia in Kuwait City
LabLogic delivered a successful support project in Kuwait City, via the GMP Services product, providing consultancy services and documentation.

Have you seen the Hidex Triathler in action?
Watch our new demonstration of the Hidex Triathler, a powerful and versatile single sample counter, with a range of advanced features...

Spectrograph - more than just absorbance
The Hidex Sense's spectrograph provides the full wavelength spectrum within a fraction of the time.

300 SL cited in key cancer research by Northeastern University
The 300 SL used in cancer research to discover that the small GTPases K-Ras, N-Ras and H-Ras have distinct biochemical properties determined by allosteric effects

See the Hidex AMG demonstrated at WMIC 2017
LabLogic will be exhibiting at the forthcoming World Molecular Imaging Congress 2017 in Philadelphia from the 13th to the 16th September.

ELISA Assays Reinvented at Leicester University
The Hidex Sense used by Leicester University to develop novel formats of "pseudo"-ELISA assays utilising the spectrograph mechanism.

All aboard for TRTR 2017
LabLogic will be exhibiting at TRTR 2017 in San Diego from 17th to the 21st September.

See the new Beta-RAM 6 at the IIS-CED meeting in Bad Soden
LabLogic will be exhibiting at the forthcoming 23rd Workshop of the International Isotope Society – Central European Division - in Bad Soden, Germany from the 7th to the 8th September 2017.
See us at AURPO 2017
LabLogic will be exhibiting together with Southern Scientific at the AURPO Annual Conference in Hull from the 5th to 6th September 2017.

A brief visit to the City of Culture 2017
LabLogic will be visiting Hull - the City of Culture 2017- to exhibit at the UK PET Chemistry conference on the 1st September.
Brookhaven National Laboratory proves that the Hidex Sense spectrograph is the way forward
Metal ion analysis within the Collider Accelerator Department of Brookhaven National Laboratory proved that the Hidex Sense's Spectrograph does the job.

See us at the Health Physics Society 62nd Annual Meeting
LabLogic will be exhibiting on booth #311 at the forthcoming Health Physics Society 62nd Annual Meeting in Raleigh from the 10th - 12th July 2017.

Making light work of metabolic experiments
A Cambridge physiology research group using the Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter recently published a paper detailing the effects of a high sugar and fat diets on the metabolism of the mother and foetus in pregnant mice.

See the new Beta-RAM 6 at the 14th European ISSX Meeting in Köln
LabLogic will be exhibiting together with Hidex at the forthcoming 14th European ISSX Meeting in Köln, Germany from the 26th to the 29th June.

On the road with Wilma
LabLogic will be exhibiting at the Radiological Effluents & Environmental Workshop in Indianapolis from the 27th to the 29th June 2017.

See us at the SNMMI 2017 Annual Meeting
LabLogic will be exhibiting alongside Southern Scientific and Hidex at the SNMMI 2017 Annual Meeting in Denver from the 10th to the 13th June.

See us at PRION 2017
LabLogic will be exhibiting at PRION 2017, the International Conference Deciphering Neurodegenerative Disorders, which is being held in Edinburgh from the 23rd to the 26th May.

See us at BNMS 2017
LabLogic will be exhibiting together with Southern Scientific at the BNMS 45th Annual Scientific Meeting in Birmingham, 20th - 22nd May 2017.

LabLogic launches a new initiative to support customers in France
We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dave Johnson, who will be providing technical and commercial support to our French distributor, ScienceTec.

On the road again
LabLogic will be returning to Dresden on the 14th May to exhibit at the 22nd International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences.

12th Annual Great Lakes DMDG Meeting
LabLogic will be exhibiting at the 12th Annual Great Lakes DMDG Meeting in Kalamazoo on the 4th and 5th May 2017.

Wilma set to take the stage at LSC 2017 in Copenhagen
LabLogic will be exhibiting at LSC 2017 in Copehagen from the 1st to 5th May 2017.

See us at NuklearMedizin 2017 in Dresden
LabLogic will be exhibiting at NuklearMedizin 2017, the annual meeting of the German, Austrian and Swiss Nuclear Medicine Societies, which is taking place in Dresden from the 26th to 29th April 2017.

See us at the BNA 2017 Festival of Neuroscience
LabLogic will be exhibiting at the BNA 2017 Festival of Neuroscience in Birmingham from the 10th – 13th April.

Take a trip to the UK City of Culture 2017
LabLogic will be exhibiting at the University BioSciences Managers Association (UBMA) Conference in Hull on the 6th and 7th April.

Research & Innovation 2017
LabLogic will be exhibiting at the forthcoming ELRIG 5th Annual Research & Innovation Meeting in Cambridge on the 29th and 30th March.

See us at the 2017 Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference
Lablogic will be exhibiting at the 2017 Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference in Aberdeen on the 14th and 15th March.

RTP-DMG 2017 Winter Symposium
LabLogic will be exhibiting at the RTP-DMDG 2017 Winter Symposium, The Solutions Center, Research Triangle Park, Durham, on the 7th March.

NCHPS 2017 Spring Meeting
Lablogic will be exhibiting at the NCHPS Spring Meeting in Carolina Beach on the 2nd and 3rd March.

See us at the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute 2017 Annual Meeting
Lablogic will be exhibiting at the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute 2017 Annual Meeting on the 23rd and 24th February.

See us in Vienna at the ECA Radiopharmaceuticals conference
LabLogic will be attending and exhibiting at the forthcoming ECA Radiopharmaceuticals conference in Vienna on the 21st and 22nd February 2017.
Debra 6.3.1 Release
LabLogic are pleased to announce the latest version 6.3.1 has just been released.

See us at the 62nd Annual RRMC in Honolulu, Hawaii
LabLogic will be exhibiting on booth #16 at the 62nd Annual Radiobioassay and Radiochemical Measurements Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, from the 6th to 10th February 2017.

The Hidex Sense with automated stacker - helping both you and your lab achieve more
LabLogic and Hidex will be demonstrating the Sense muti-technology microplate reader and automated stacker at the forthcoming SLAS 2017 International Conference and Exhibition in Washington DC, 6th - 8th February 2017.

Data Integrity and a true PET LIMS
LabLogic are incorporating the relevant, specific features into PETra which enable our customers to be compliant in the key area of Data Integrity.

LabLogic launch new Electrochemical Detector
LabLogic introduce a brand new PET / SPECT Electrochemical Detector

See us at the HPS 50th Midyear Meeting in Bethesda
LabLogic will be exhibiting on booth #316 at the forthcoming Health Physics Society 50th Midyear Meeting in Bethesda from the 22nd - 25th January 2017.
See us at the forthcoming UK Radiopharmacy Group Workshop in Bournville
LabLogic will be exhibiting at the forthcoming UK Radiopharmacy Group Workshop in Bournville on the 11th January 2017.