Autoradiography analysis software cuts user's WBS costs

22 November 2007

One of the longest-standing users of LabLogic's Seescan software for Whole Body Section (WBS) autoradiography analysis anticipates savings of up to 1.5 man day equivalents per study after installing the latest version of the program.

The pharmaceutical research company acquired the original Seescan for quantifying radioactivity in film autoradiograms as long ago as 1990, upgrading to the first Windows-based version with the introduction of phosphor screen technology in 1996.

The savings in operator, QC and QA time being made with the new Seescan 2 are attributable in part to additional functionality introduced by LabLogic to meet the company's specific requirements and integration of the package with its Debra drug metabolism LIMS.

Seescan 2 is used to quantify tissues from electronic autoradiograms and the data is manipulated in the validated environment of Debra to provide concentration data such as μg equiv/g.

Seescan's document management system can then reorientate the data for direct inclusion in the final Word document, eliminating the need for an external spreadsheet package to transform the data by algorithm and reducing the amount of QC checking.

LabLogic has also added an image manipulation function so that identified tissues can be selected and deselected and the resulting labelled image exported, copied and pasted into Word without time-consuming manual labelling in separate software. Seescan's intuitive, user-friendly and comprehensive methodology has made it an industry standard for the performance of Whole Body autoradiography (WBA) analysis under GLP conditions.

It runs independently of the Windows platform and supports imaging file formats from all standard scanners including, Molecular Dynamics, Fuji, Biospace, and Cyclone Phosphor Imaging Systems.

Measurements can be taken by framing the region of interest with a variety of drawing tools, including circular, rectangular or user-drawn frames of variable size. Selected areas can be defined by using grey level thresholds. The image may also be zoomed and contrast enhanced to allow accurate analysis of small or poorly defined tissues. For each measurement the region area, the raw/calibrated result and the measurement reliability (% error) are stored.

Results can be displayed either individually or as a mean for the tissue being measured. Individual results can be cross-referenced with the region they were obtained from by simply clicking on the measurement; the image appears with the measured region highlighted. All data can be reviewed and transferred to other Microsoft Office applications.

Seescan operates as a GLP-compliant, password-controlled system with a comprehensive audit trail and the option to use electronic signatures. The system manager has the ability to access all studies, set up and delete users, and restrict access to studies and software. Only users defined in the protocol have access to the study.

The system has a comprehensive and flexible security structure to control access to menu items and form-level functions and to guard against unauthorized access to data - essential in a regulatory environment.

Like all LabLogic's products and services, Seescan is covered by the company's ISO 9001 accreditation, which it has held continuously since 1998. This encompasses design, development and supply of laboratory information management systems and scientific applications software with ongoing maintenance support, including the supply of instrumentation systems for pharmaceutical, agrochemical and contract research organizations.