Microplate reader gives good data for leukaemia research


Dr Paul Hole from the Centre of Excellence for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research at Cardiff University’s Department of Haematology using the Chameleon V bench top microplate reader from LabLogic Systems.

The Centre of Excellence for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research at Cardiff University'’s Department of Haematology has given some very positive feedback about its Chameleon V bench top microplate reader from LabLogic Systems.

"Having secured a large investment from Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research to study the causes of human myeloid leukaemia, we were fortunate enough to purchase this multi-functional item of equipment at an affordable price," says postdoctoral research fellow Dr Paul Hole.

"The main advantage of the Chameleon over its competitors is its sensitivity, which we have confirmed in head-to-head tests. It gives an excellent signal to noise ratio even at very low signal levels. We have been using the instrument for several months now and have been very pleased with the data that has been generated.

'We'’ve found it to be robust, with a small footprint that can be accommodated easily within our laboratories. We have also been impressed with the wide variety of applications that the instrument can accommodate. It even provides a level of future-proofing should we require additional components at a later date."

Senior lecturer Dr Alex Tonks also has experience of the Chameleon. "The professionalism of LabLogic’'s sales executive and engineering staff gave us a high degree of confidence that the Chameleon V would perform well within our expectations, both short- and long-term," he says.

"More importantly, the excellent after-sales care package that we have negotiated will see the continued high performance of the instrument throughout the lifetime of our project and beyond."

As the Cardiff researchers have found, the Chameleon V is the most sensitive and versatile microplate reader on the market - a compact and modular platform on which both radiometric and non-radiometric assays can be carried out with equal ease.

Buyers choose whichever combination of its seven measurement technologies best suits their purposes: liquid scintillation counting, direct mode luminescence, filter mode luminescence, fluorescence intensity, fluorescence polarisation, time-resolved fluorescence and absorbance.

For luminescence, the Chameleon is by far the most sensitive available thanks to its unique combination of dual PMT design and direct optics.

It can read Microtiter plates from 6 to 384 wells, and there are also options for well scanning and multiplexing. All models are supplied with MikroWin Lite 2000 instrument control software and a built-in linear shaker.

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