MOLECUBES partners with LabLogic Inc.

MOLECUBES Offer Innovative Whole-Body PET, SPECT and CT Pre-Clinical Imagers
Sub-Millimeter β-CUBE Micro-PET Scanner
The β-CUBE is the sub-millimeter, high-sensitivity whole-body mouse and rat micro-PET scanner. It includes the latest photon counting technology, GPU-based event positioning, and iterative image reconstruction.
Its 5-ring configuration ensures best-in-class sensitivity over a field-of-view adequate for whole-body mouse and rat imaging at high count rates.
High Throughput X-CUBE CT Imager
A high throughput CT Scanner "work horse", allowing for fast whole-body mouse and rat CT imaging at extremely low dose and with excellent soft tissue contrast. Lightweight, thanks to a self-shielded imaging unit; it is a truly mobile in vivo scanner.
Advanced workflows such as gated and dynamic contrast enhanced imaging can be achieved in a functional and integrated set up.
High Resolution γ-CUBE SPECT Imager
The high-sensitivity, high-resolution SPECT imager, perfect for whole-body mouse and rat imaging. Patented lofthole technology and laser-sintered collimators, combined with high-resolution detectors, result in a truly high-end, benchtop imager.
The in-house developed image reconstruction software guarantees fast imaging and excellent image quality.
UPenn Delight with High Performing PET/CT Whole-Body Cubes

MOLECUBES have recently installed a PET/CT whole-body rat and mouse set-up at the University of Pennsylvania (UPENN).
Professor Joel Karp, who oversees the PET Imaging/ Cyclotron Facility and directs operations at the Nuclear Medicine Core Facility, gave high praise "The high performance made MOLECUBES an obvious choice for us, together with the clever design and excellent engineering."
University of Chicago look to MOLECUBES for PET/SPECT/CT Benchtop Imagers

The University of Chicago have installed a PET/SPECT/CT whole-body rat and mouse benchtop imaging solution by MOLECUBES, in their Integrated Small Animal Imaging Research Resource (iSAIRR) core facility.
The MOLECUBES imaging solution was installed nearby at the Cyclotron Facility.
Click here to read more on the MOLECUBE SPECT/PET/CT Benchtop Imagers, or contact us.