Veteran Affairs Medical Centers Select the Full Hidex Range

The Hidex Range Proves Popular for VAMCs Throughout the USA
Veteran Affairs Medical Center's (VAMCs) throughout the USA are fast selecting the Hidex range as their research instruments of choice. The New Orleans, LA location has just outfitted its research department with the full selection of instruments.
This new site is a new addition to a growing list of VAMC's who have chosen these instruments, with facilities in Cleveland, OH, Little Rock, AR, and San Juan, PR, all utilizing the Hidex range.
The Hidex Sense multi-mode microplate reader is a compact, state-of-the-art instrument, with the option for liquid scintillation counting. The Hidex AMG automatic gamma counter is a newly developed machine designed to meet the needs of modern laboratories, with an optional internal balance to aid in nuclear medicine applications as well as wipe tests.
The Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter and Hidex Triathler are both LSCs, with the Triathler built for portability and the 300 SL specializing in higher throughput. All of these Hidex instruments are available on the GSA schedule.
Click to view more information on the full Hidex range, or don't hesitate to contact us.