Small plate reader, big research: Quadram choose the Absorbance 96 plate reader

Quadram choose the Absorbance 96 plate reader for studying gut bacteria
Researchers at the Quadram Institute Bioscience in Norwich have chosen the Absorbance 96, a compact plate reader that uses solid-state technology.
Dr Emmanuelle Crost (pictured above) is a Research Scientist at Quadram working on bacteria-host-diet interactions in the gut.
She said: "Currently we are studying and characterising several model gut bacteria. One aspect of the work is to look at sugar utilisation by our bacteria (which are anaerobic) and to do so we perform growth assays. "

"Therefore we needed a small absorbance plate reader to fit in an anaerobic cabinet. The Absorbance 96 is small, easy to use, and we've received very good service from LabLogic."
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