LabLogic wishes a happy retirement to Karlis!

LabLogic says goodbye to Karlis
After more than two decades, we said farewell to Karlis Grinbergs, our long-serving Senior Quality Analyst, at the end of July.
Karlis has a long history here at the LabLogic Group and will be deeply missed by all members of the team.

Karlis' 22-year journey at LabLogic
Karlis: "Wow! Who would have thought that the day would come, after 22 years and just over two months, that I would be saying ‘Tara, see you, or whatever parting words you prefer? After July I will be looking at a blank canvas, where I can create more memories, experiences, and snapshots of the rest of my life...
"I joined LabLogic in May 1999, predominantly as a software tester, and had no experience or knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry and what that involved. What a wonderful opportunity to learn, LabLogic gave me. 22 years of learning and adapting. Thankfully, there were no end-of-term exams! In addition to constant learning, the main good memories for me will be the many wonderful people I have met at work and also around the world (obviously limited to the countries I have visited)...

"Secondly, the opportunity to visit a number of countries, some many times, and experience how our customers work and use our instruments and software and also how our colleagues work in their environment. It has been a memorable time, for which I am grateful."
A big thank you from the LabLogic team
Richard Brown, Managing Director at the LabLogic Group, said: "I'd like to wish Karlis all the best in his retirement. A great guy and an absolute expert in his field of work. It's been a pleasure to work alongside him all these years!"
John Clapham, Chairman of the LabLogic Group, said: ”Karlis joined LabLogic last century when I was MD and the company was based at Psalter Lane...
"We hired three programmers from a software house at Crookes who had written software for GPs. They all recommended a colleague who looked after the QC there; this was Karlis. Karlis made a good job of his new work, became an expert. Later on, he travelled and helped build LabLogic’s reputation with our clients. Later still setting up QC systems in the companies new to the group.
"We thank Karlis for his work over the years and wish him and Sue a happy time in retirement!"