Three new PETra sites in Denmark: Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet

PETra PET Laboratory Information Management System for FDG and other radiotracers
Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet is Denmark’s largest and most specialised hospital. The Department of Clinical Physiology, Nuclear Medicine and PET, produces around 15 different radiopharmaceuticals for both routine clinical applications along with clinical trials and basic clinical research.
Supplying Denmark with 1200 batches of PET radiopharmaceuticals per year
Nic Gillings, PhD, is Chief Radiochemist at Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet. He said: “We also supply other hospitals in Denmark with several different radiopharmaceuticals. Over the years, we have gradually increased the number of radiopharmaceuticals produced for human use, which currently stands at around 1200 batches per year.”
“PETra PET LIMS is the only available solution which meets our needs”
Nic added: “With such a large production burden, a paperless system for batch documentation and inventory control will greatly improve and streamline our work. PETra PET LIMS from LabLogic is the only available solution that can easily be configured to meet our needs and is thus the ideal choice. We will initially implement PETra LIMS for our production of [¹⁸F]FDG and then roll it out for all our other products.”
An extensive implementation of PETra PET LIMS
Ian Oxley, PET Specialist at LabLogic, said: “This is an extensive implementation of PETra PET LIMS for Rigshospitalet. The implementation involves installing PETra on up to 30 PC workstations, in nine different room locations, with up to eight concurrent users and potentially gathering data from over 40 instruments.
“We are looking forward to visiting the wonderful Copenhagen soon!”