Why choose LabLogic’s Logi-CHROM ONE?


An integrated radio-HPLC system for QC of PET and SPECT radiolabelled compounds

LabLogic’s Logi-CHROM ONE radio-HPLC system has been specifically developed for Quality Control of PET and SPECT radiolabelled compounds. It is suitable for radiochemical purity measurements of most tracers labelled with Ga-68, Tc-99, F-18, and C-11 radionuclides.

Developed in collaboration with KNAUER, the Logi-CHROM ONE combines the most widely utilised HPLC modules into one compact stack, including a quaternary pump with degasser, a UV detector, semi-automatic injector, and LabLogic’s Flow-RAM radio-HPLC detector. This complete solution is controlled via LabLogic’s Laura for PET software.

But why choose the Logi-CHROM ONE?

  • Cost – priced attractively against equivalent stackable systems
  • Small footprint – the complete system is roughly the same size as a traditional PC tower
  • Simplicity – single USB connection between the instrument and controlling PC
  • Versatility – modules integrated into Logi-CHROM ONE are the most widely used modules in this environment
  • Maintenance – there is only one moving part, reducing maintenance costs when compared to an equivalent stackable system
  • Robustness – built on solid foundations
  • Controlled by Laura for PET Software

Find out more

You can learn more about the Logi-CHROM ONE by watching our video or clicking the button below to speak with our product specialist directly and have a one-to-one guided session.


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