New chromatography software can handle more than ever


A solution to a common problem with e-signatures and more licensing options for evaluation copies are among the headline features of Laura 4, the new release of LabLogic Systems' chromatography data collection and analysis system.

Compatible with the new Microsoft Vista as well as NT, 2000 and XP, Laura 4 has controls for more than 100 HPLC and liquid handling modules, all developed in cooperation with the manufacturers.

Users can now control the autosampler in an HPLC system independently of other instruments, customise control of the injection sequence, and control individual parts of the system regardless of method for procedures such as pre-run equilibration.

New analysis and reporting tools include enhanced handling of data from plate readers; importing Excel worksheets; a table for importing raw LSC data and provision for recording information about it; indication of completion time for an analysis queue; and facility to add information about a Region Of Interest.

Laura 4 also provides a means of accommodating situations where a second e-signature is required but the signatory is absent; the user can either cancel the second signature request (where the rule permits), or save it for the signatory to respond to on return.

Copies of Laura 4 used for evaluating data away from the laboratory are available under a range of licences, giving greater flexibility with respect to the number of users and workstations involved and dove-tailing with IT deployment strategies such as Client/Server and Citrix. our chromatography data collection and analysis system."

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