LabLogic’s latest release of Debra

12 March 2015

LabLogic is pleased to announce the latest release of the industry standard LIMS for radiolabelled metabolism studies, Debra.

Building on the functionality for environmental fate added with the upgrade to Debra 6, version 6.2 offers a brand new protocol set-up for adsorption/desorption studies together with powerful and flexible reporting for all study parameters.

Other key features of the release include:

  • New soil dispensing options for aqueous sediment study types.
  • Ability to convert aliquot volumes to weights by addition of a density value – aiding preparation of aliquot batches using a fixed volume.
  • New dose unit of µg/subject – useful for low dose level eFate studies.
  • All extraction (Trace) calculations are now shown for easy QA and verification of calculated results.

“A lot of the focus since Debra 6 was released has been in extending the functionality of the system to include the entire spectrum of environmental fate studies using radiolabelled test items for our customers,” said Huw Loaring, Systems Director at LabLogic. “We are excited that Debra now covers both aerobic and anaerobic soil degradation and metabolism studies (OECD 307), soil adsorption (OECD 106), hydrolysis studies (OECD 111) and metabolism studies in water/sediment systems under aerobic and anaerobic incubation conditions (OECD 308).”

“Additionally Debra is used in plant and crop rotation metabolism studies as well as livestock metabolism and the link with our Laura radiochromatography software allows scientists to determine the behaviour of the compound to elucidate the degradation of the applied parent test substance, as well as the formation and decline of possible metabolites all without having to take data outside of our GLP validated environment.”

Debra is used by both contract research organizations as well as pharmaceutical and agrochemical companies with Debra 6 allowing easy exchange of data between both sponsor and CRO. An easy upgrade path enables existing customers to move to the latest release.

Anyone interested in arranging a demonstration or learning more about this latest release is encouraged contact