Winner of the Scan-RAM competition announced

Winner of the Scan-RAM radio-TLC scanner competition announced
To celebrate LabLogic's 500th installation of the Scan-RAM radio-TLC scanner and Flow-RAM radio-HPLC detector, we decided to mark the occasion by running a competition to win one of these fantastic instruments.
A key product in the LabLogic range, the Scan-RAM PET/SPECT radio-TLC scanner has a host of innovative features including a motorised detector, unique TLC plate support beds and adjustable collimator. It is available in several different models; combining radio-TLC, radio HPLC, and MCA. To find out more please click the buttons below or contact us.
The lucky winner of the Scan-RAM was announced as Vincent Bodenant of CIS BioInternational at our booth at the EANM'18 in Düsseldorf, Germany - congratulations!
For more information regarding the Scan-RAM or Flow-RAM, please don't hesitate to contact us.