Superior radioactive wipe tests using LabWipes

26 October 2020

LabWipes Soluble Surface Sampling Pads

Why LabWipes are the best choice for radioactivity wipe tests

LabWipes are dissolvable pads which assure superior radioactivity wipe tests. LabWipes are completely soluble in LabLogic-LW scintillation cocktail, and because LabWipes dissolve completely, no emitted beta ray can be hindered or absorbed by an undissolved portion of the wipe.

Eliminate the possibility of lost counts

LabWipes allow full 4π counting efficiencies, thereby eliminating the possibility of lost counts due to absorption of beta rays by the filter itself.

Using intact filters for radioactivity wipe tests can give inaccurate, erratic results. Beta rays originating from particles on intact filters are attenuated and absorbed by the filter. Furthermore, depending on the relative affinity of the material for the solution, as material leaves the filter for the solution, counts change over time.

Produce reproducible results 

LabWipes eliminate the dependence of results on the direction of the filter paper and time. Because LabWipes dissolve in LabLogic-LW scintillation cocktail, there is no intact filter to absorb or attenuate beta emissions. 4π counting efficiency is achieved, giving reproducible results.


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