Hidex, Chevron and LabLogic: A breakthrough for ultra-low level biobased C14 counting

Using TDCR direct measurement for biofuel
As mentioned in our recent news article, the determination of biocarbon content is a key analytical step in refineries, blending and distribution of biofuels. Traditionally this required costly and complex AMS analysis by third-party laboratories.
Hidex and Chevron: new analysis methods based on triple-to-double coincidence ratio (TDCR)
Hidex and LabLogic customer Chevron has successfully developed analysis methods based on Hidex triple-to-double coincidence ratio (TDCR) liquid scintillation counting which provides savings of tens of thousands of dollars using the 300 SL liquid scintillation counter.
A breakthrough for biobased C14 counting
The TDCR direct measurement for biofuel is a breakthrough for biobased ultra-low level C14 counting. Previous methods required laborious wet chemistry to remove the luminescence (false positives from photons) from samples. Luminescence is problematic with low-level counting since it distorts the detection limits making the sample indistinguishable from background. This technique is being approved by ASTM and was done in conjunction with Chevron oil/gas refinery. The original experiment started with a ten-hour count time and through optimization, was able to reduce to five hours. This allows for a same-day turn around for petroleum products.
Aiding the transition period to green energy
Until the world has fully transitioned to green energy, petroleum products will still be necessary (fuel, medical plastics, consumer plastics, etc.). A biobased, even if partial, will help aide in this transition period. The TDCR direct method will open the gate for other oi/gas companies, research institutes, and government labs that might have been restricted by the time, costs, and equipment necessary from previous techniques.
Hidex Application Note – Determination of the ¹⁴C content in bio-based products – applications, techniques and tools
Hidex has published an application note "Determination of the ¹⁴C content in bio-based products – applications, techniques and tools", click here to download it.
"Liquid Scintillation Counting Method for the Refinery Laboratory-Based Measurements of Fuels to Support Refinery Bio-Feed Co-Processing"
The full article "Liquid Scintillation Counting Method for the Refinery Laboratory-Based Measurements of Fuels to Support Refinery Bio-Feed Co-Processing" is in the Energy Fuels journal, click here to read the abstract.
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