Case Studies Archive

Hidex Sense microplate reader is what the Dr ordered at UEA
The University of East Anglia (UEA) was the first site to chose the Hidex Sense microplate reader in the UK and they have put it through its paces. Click to find out what Dr Charles Brearley had to say about the Sense and why the instrument is "extremely popular" at UEA.

PET radiopharmaceutical producer in Greece chooses LabLogic's PET QC Solution
LabLogic is delighted to have secured a contract to supply the sole PET radiopharmaceutical producer in Greece with their comprehensive PET QC Solution. The radiopharmacy company is currently undergoing an expansion project and is setting up a new facility in Thessaloniki, click to find out more.

Johns Hopkins University choose the Hidex 300SL
John Hopkins University has chosen the Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter. The 300 SL is the most advanced, transportable and user-friendly Liquid scintillation Counter (LSC) on the market. Click here find out more.

First install of the powerful InCellis cell imager
A Cambridge-based biotech company has paved the way for the InCellis cell imager, a powerful new instrument from Bertin Instruments. The versatile InCellis can easily provide publication quality images, without the need for any kind of dark room. Read more about the installation here.

A Portable Liquid Scintillation and Gamma Counter Suitable for the US Army
The Hidex Triathler portable liquid scintillation counter is an obvious choice for the US Army, Navy and Airforce. The Triathler is a small, portable and durable instrument which can be easily taken into the field to measure samples on the spot. Read more and see the instrument is the perfect choice.

Veteran Affairs Medical Centers Select the Full Hidex Range
Veteran Affairs Medical Center's across the USA are selecting the Hidex range of instruments for their research, including the Hidex Sense multi-mode microplate reader, and the Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter. Find out more.

Scan-RAM radio-TLC Scanner utilised in Gallium-68 research
An international team have recently published a paper using the LabLogic Scan-RAM radio-TLC Scanner investigating coated iron oxide nanoparticles labelled with the positron emitter Gallium-68, as potential PET and MR imaging agents. Find out more.

Tromso and Trondheim choose PET QC solution & PETra
LabLogic's PET QC solution and PET LIMS software, PETra, have been supplied to two world leading facilities in Norway. LabLogic's off-the-shelf solutions can help to address whatever requirements you may have for your PET facility. Find out more.

Hidex 300 SL paves the way for groundbreaking obesity research
Boston University School of Medicine's Obesity Research Centre has carried out research using the 300 SL Liquid Scintillation Counter investigating the role of the autoimmune response in the development of Type 1 diabetes. Find out more.