New Tracerco PED meets our customers' expectations


The new Tracerco PED has proven to be greatly effective in improving the safety in Nuclear medicine departments after being trialled by Mount Vernon Hospital in Hertfordshire.

The establishment’s Radiation Protection Advisor, Janis Brown, is very enthusiastic about the unit’s capabilities. She said: 'With its minute by minute breakdown of your dose the Tracerco PED does what a modern PED should do, you can just put it on and forget about it. Afterwards it's dead easy to retrieve the data in the right format and the whole thing is intuitive enough that you hardly need to read the manual.'

They used it to record radiation exposure to individuals during various activities and were able to record the results in a graph (see Figure 1). Using this data, they were able to discriminate areas and procedures where staff members were most vulnerable to radioactive exposure.

The PED has also proven to be very useful in research applications. See Figure 2 for an example of radiation exposure during a cell labelling procedure at a prestigious UK university. The PED again discriminates areas/procedures of high exposure and demonstrates this particular member of staff’s good laboratory practice.

Figure 1 - Exposure to iodine

Figure 2 - Radiation exposure during cell labelling