LabLogic achieves Gold Investors in People accreditation

Managing Director Richard Brown.
LabLogic Systems is pleased to announce that it has been awarded Gold accreditation by Investors In People (IIP). IIP is an internationally recognised framework which is granted to organisations that demonstrate a clear commitment to the people who work there.
LabLogic has held-IIP accreditation for 18 years, since 2005. Upon the last assessment in 2019, the company was awarded Silver status and now, in 2023, achieved Gold showing improvements in every indicator of the framework. The assessment includes discussions with the business leaders, in-depth interviews with staff selected at random from across the company, and a survey sent out to all employees.
“…a measure of greatness is not what the business does but how you feel when you walk through the door…”

Alex Elmywood, Investors in People practitioner, said, “From all of the businesses that I have seen and worked with over the last 25 years, a measure of greatness is not what the business does but how you feel when you walk through the door … and I got that feeling from LabLogic. If the statistics are correct and we spend over 90,000 hours of our life at work, that feeling is incredibly important.”
Categorically a great place to work

One outcome of the survey sent out to all staff was that 100% of people agreed that "LabLogic is a great place to work".
When benchmarked against other companies, LabLogic is proud to have ranked 8th worldwide within its industry sector and the Gold accreditation, which is something only 17% of IIP accredited companies achieve. Additionally, LabLogic scored higher than average when compared to IIP accredited businesses of similar sizes in every indicator.
Improvements in the face of adversity
Managing Director Richard Brown said, “We never set out to change the business specifically for Investors In People. What we have tried to do is put good practice in place across the business and that’s what has lead us to being ranked by Investors In People as Gold.
“In recent years, it has been a challenging time for businesses with the pandemic and the ever-changing expectations in the workplace. At LabLogic, we take pride in not only maintaining a positive working environment through these difficult times but improving it in every area of the IIP framework.”
Improving our workspace
In 2022, LabLogic opened its brand-new headquarters in Sheffield, which has been pivotal in progressing towards a more enriching workspace for its colleagues. This development improved company-wide relationships, reinforced its company values, and provided the facilities required to support the business in its future endeavours.
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