Designed for radionuclidic identity and purity

The Spec-RAM is the ideal solution for spectroscopic analysis of samples with low activity. Designed for radionuclidic identity and radionuclidic purity measurements, it is a fully integrated detector and multi-channel analyzer for scintillation spectrometry.

With its simple and intuitive operation, the Spec-RAM is an ideal solution for nuclear medicine departments and radiopharmacies alike handling short-lived gamma-emitters.

Detector flexibility

The Spec-RAM is available in four different detector models. The different detectors are interchangeable for future proofing should requirements change.

2" x 2" (51 x 51 mm) NaI(Tl) end-on
2" x 2" (51 x 51 mm) NaI(Tl) well-geometry (well dimensions: 16.6 mm dia. x 39 mm)
3" x 3" (76 x 76 mm) NaI(Tl) end-on
3" x 3" (76 x 76 mm) NaI(Tl) well-geometry (well dimensions: 16.6 mm dia. x 51 mm)


The Spec-RAM CZT is a benchtop variant of the original Spec-RAM that offers a cost-effective alternative to High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detectors, making it the ideal solution for medical radioisotope producers, radiopharmacies, and research facilities when identifying any impurities or contaminants present in a sample.

Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) detectors are highly sensitive to gamma rays – due to the high atomic numbers of Cd and Te – and provide an energy resolution (FWHM) of ≤2.5 compared to traditional scintillator detectors.



The Spec-RAM is an adaptable solution for radiopharmacies that can accommodate a range of detector sizes, geometries, and adaptors specifically manufactured for different vial sizes up to a maximum dimension of 30mm diameter x 115mm height, as well as Eppendorf adaptors.

Integrated PMTs

The Spec-RAM’s Nal(TI) detector is composed of a high-quality assembly with integrated PMTs. This encapsulates the crystals in an air-tight housing to prevent degradation owing to their hygroscopic nature. This ensures the longevity and stability of the detector assembly.

Ambient temperature measurements

Unlike many gamma spectrometers which are liquid-cooled, the Spec-RAM is optimized for ambient temperature measurements and so eliminates the associated hazards and costs in manpower and expense by maintaining supplies of liquid nitrogen, bringing a more cost-effective solution to market.

Lead shielding

The system’s modular lead shield can be easily assembled on-site and safeguards the user while shielding the detector from background environmental radiation, delivering an excellent signal-to-noise ratio.

Copper lining

The spectrometer’s copper lining attenuates the relative remaining background of the lead shield and provides optimum performance.

A compliant solution

As with all LabLogic products, the Spec-RAM has been designed to exceed regulatory requirements. Using our industry standard Laura Radiopharma software, the Spec-RAM ensures regulatory compliance via controlled access and audit trail.

Audit trail

Laura Radiopharma has a fully featured audit trail that can be configured to suit the requirements of the user’s site. Response from the user can be a simple as choosing from a predefined list of standard audit reasons or require a unique response depending on the situation and site rules.

Access levels

Laura Radiopharmacy features multi-level access control, and the system can be configured to have as many levels of access as the user’s site requires. Menu items are then restricted according to the security level of the individual logged in.

Electronic signatures

Laura Radiopharma supports the use of electronic signatures, and the system can be configured to suit the user sites requirements for electronic data.

Data integrity

Regulatory compliance is an essential feature of Laura Radiopharmacy, built to meet GLP/GMP, FDA 21 CFR part 212 / 11, and EU Annex 11 requirements. Featuring configurable audit trail, electronic signatures, secure data storage in a database environment and multi-level security, Laura Radiopharma can be configured to meet regulatory requirements for data integrity.

Security settings

Laura Radiopharma can be configured to suit your particular site requirements for security. Usernames and passwords can be controlled relative to the site requirements as can inactivity time outs and all other functions required for a secure system.

Nuclide ID

Laura Radiopharma’s Nuclide ID function allows users to simultaneously test radionuclidic identification via a half-life measurement and radionuclidic purity using the Spec-RAM. By measuring decay every 15 seconds at the same time as performing gamma spectrometry on one sample, a decay chain is visualised on screen in real-time, providing dozens of datapoints within minutes to automatically identify radionuclides.


Common Specifications 
HV Supply Positive bias from MCA; 600 - 800 Vdc
Operating Temperature -20 to +65°C
Typical Energy Resolution 7.5 +/- 0.2 % FWHM @662 keV
Energy Range 20 keV - 3 MeV
Gain Stability <1.0% over 24 hours at 20°C
MCA 1024/2048 Channel, selectable
Lead Shielding Specifications 
Weight 138 kg
Lead Thickness 50 mm
Dimensions 521 x ∅ 216 mm

Spec-RAM existing customers 

Click on the tabs below to find out more about our customers, and how they are using the Spec-RAM in their facilities.

Center Antoine Lacassagne, France

A multipurpose gamma spectrometer

The Center Antoine Lacassagne in Nice is using the Spec-RAM for a range of functions where gamma-emitters are used. Originally intended for the identity and purity of radionuclides, it is being used to determine isotopic blood volume by measuring blood and plasma samples from patients labelled with 99mTc. It is also being used to measure urinary waste in patients undergoing 177Lu therapy, allowing the radioactivity of effluence in patient toilets stored in hospital waste tanks to be monitored. When the activity has reduced to background levels, it can be safely discharged into public sewage.

You can find out what Radiopharmacist Caroline Maurel had to say about the Spec-RAM by clicking the button below.


Center Hospitalier de Valenciennes, France

Sensitive gamma spectrometry for 68Ga 

LabLogic’s Spec-RAM gamma spectrometer has been successfully installed at the Center Hospitalier de Valenciennes in France where it is being used in the quality control of radiopharmaceuticals labelled with gamma-emitting radionuclides, such as Iodine-123 and Technetium-99m for scintigraphy, and Fluorine-18 and Gallium-68 for PET scans.

As a radiopharmacist at Valenciennes, Emmanuel Malek is responsible for the ordering, preparation, QC, and dispensing of radiopharmaceuticals. He and his team have been successfully using the Spec-RAM as part of their QC process, which was acquired to replace an aging well counter.

You can find out what Emmanuel had to say about the Spec-RAM by clicking the button below.


INMOL, Pakistan

The Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Oncology Lahore (INMOL) has procured a Spec-RAM for use at the Atomic Energy Cancer Hospital in in Lahore, Pakistan. INMOL was established by the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) in 1984 to provide diagnostics and treatment facilities for cancer patients.


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