New 1:1 Scintillation cocktails

13 January 2004

FlowLogic 1:1

FlowLogic 1:1 is the ideal choice for radio-HPLC systems.

This low viscosity, biodegradeable cocktail mixes at 1:1 with most sample types and provides excellent counting efficiency for both 14C and 3H. FlowLogic 1:1 allows you to reduce the volume of cocktail used by a factor of 3, thereby saving you money and reducing the volume of radioactive liquid waste generated.

In addition, the cocktail is nearly odourless and has a low toxicity.

SafeScint 1:1

Safescint 1:1 is the ideal universal scintillation cocktail.

Designed for vial counting applications, it offers the best sample uptake available and excellent counting efficiency for all of the commonly used isotopes.

Having a low toxicity and high flash-point and readily accepting high pH, low pH or high salt samples, this cocktail offers a safer, environmentally cocktail, while also providing optimum performance.

This cocktail has been thoroughly tested both in the USA and the UK and results have shown that it will hold up to 10ml of most aqueous samples per 10ml of cocktail.

It mixes rapidly to produce a clear, homogeneous solution.

These two new cocktails really do offer a breakthrough for scintillation counting.

Those who have already tested them have confirmed that they provide optimum efficiency, but are also budget-friendly, as smaller volumes of cocktail are required for each experiment.

For more information on this new product range, please contact: