News Archive

Exclusive Hidex Sense microplate reader discount
Claim your exclusive Hidex Sense microplate reader discount now, before 28th February 2019. Click to find out more

Laura for PET - the "go-to" chromatography software at MSKCC
The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York City use Laura for PET, LabLogic's QC software solution for PET/SPECT production. Find out why they think it's the ""go-to" chromatography software.

A seamless solution for PET/SPECT radio-TLC detection
A seamless solution for PET/SPECT radio-TLC detection in one single instrument; the Scan-RAM now offers the ability to have two detectors in the lead collimator for radio-TLC measurements of PET, SPECT, and high-energy beta radionuclides. Click to find out more.

Hidex Sense microplate reader is what the Dr ordered at UEA
The University of East Anglia (UEA) was the first site to chose the Hidex Sense microplate reader in the UK and they have put it through its paces. Click to find out what Dr Charles Brearley had to say about the Sense and why the instrument is "extremely popular" at UEA.

LabLogic win at the Sheffield Business Awards 2018
We're thrilled to have been awarded the High Growth Business of the Year Award at the Sheffield Business Awards 2018! Thanks to the Sheffield Chamber for hosting a great event, read more here.

The Electrochemical (EC) Detector makes radiochemical purity testing simple
The EC Detector is the ideal solution for all PET/SPECT and non-PET HPLC applications that use electrochemical detection. Click here to find out more.

LabLogic featured in Manufacturing Today
We are delighted to be featured in this month's edition of Manufacturing Today Europe. Make sure to check it out to learn about the company's steps into new markets, current R&D projects, and an insight into the business from the Managing Director. Click here to read more.

See the inCellis Cell Imager in action
The inCellis is a powerful instrument with its easy-to-use embedded applications, see the cell imager in action in our new feature video, presented by our product specialist. The inCellis is the ideal instrument to produce publication-quality images of cells for both cell culture and tissue slides. Find out more.

MikroWin makes wipe testing simple
The Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter operates on powerful MikroWin software, purpose-built with innovative features that will improve your workflow efficiency. You can copy/paste your Standing Operating Procedures, tables, and even floor plan images directly into the software, easily consolidating all of your data for a clear printout. Click here to learn more.

The powerful gamma and neutron Arm-X area monitor
Find out the latest information about the ARM-X area monitor, a powerful and flexible system for gamma and neutron measurements. With a large, 1,000 meter range between detector and instrument, the flexible Arm-X is the ideal solution to area monitoring., To find out more please click here.

Winner of the Scan-RAM competition announced
To celebrate LabLogic's 500th installation of the Scan-RAM and Flow-RAM instruments, we decided to mark the occasion and give away one Scan-RAM radio-TLC scanner. The competition ran until EANM 2018, where the winner was announced, click here to read more.

Watch the new Hidex Automatic Gamma Counter video
The Hidex AMG is a newly developed automatic gamma counter with optional internal balance designed for nuclear medicine applications. Watch the new video presented by our Product Specialist to learn more.
We've been shortlisted!
LabLogic has been shortlisted for four Sheffield Business Awards including International Trade, High Growth Business of the Year, SME of the Year and Innovation. Click to read more.

German version of the LabLogic website launched
LabLogic have launched a new German website. Click here to view the full page

A solution for offline LSC counting in ADME work
The Hidex Sense Beta microplate reader with Stacker is a perfect instrument for individuals working with Luma plates or Microscint by utilising TR-LSC. The Hidex 600 SL liquid scintillation counter is a high capacity instrument which utilises TDCR technology, improving data quality. Click here to find out more.

Beta-RAM 6 reaches new heights for peak resolution
Hear what our customer, a US-based Contract Research Organisation, had to say about the Beta-RAM 6 radio flow detector for HPLC. Click to read more.

LabLogic announces deal with global leader in PET radiopharmaceutical manufacturing
LabLogic announces deal with SOFIE Inc., a global leader in PET radiopharmaceutical manufacturing to deploy its PET LIMS, PETra

PET radiopharmaceutical producer in Greece chooses LabLogic's PET QC Solution
LabLogic is delighted to have secured a contract to supply the sole PET radiopharmaceutical producer in Greece with their comprehensive PET QC Solution. The radiopharmacy company is currently undergoing an expansion project and is setting up a new facility in Thessaloniki, click to find out more.

Fantastic offers for the InCellis cell imager
Learn more about the limited time offers for the InCellis cell imager, running until the end of December, including buy one get one free on fluorescence modules, two free cell culture applications, and free installation and training and more. Read more here

Watch the new Logi-CHROM HPLC series feature video
The Logi-CHROM HPLC series is a compact, versatile, and cost-effective system designed for radiochromatography. The instrument is fully integrated within Laura, LabLogic's industry standard radiochromatography data system. With various detector, pump, and column configurations available, the flexible instrument can suit your laboratories needs. Find out more now.

LabLogic pledges its support for The Children’s Hospital Charity
LabLogic has raised money to sponsor a room at Sheffield Children's Hospital as part of the charity's Make It Better appeal. The company has supported the charity for a number of years through various fundraising and sponsorships, raising over £5,000 to sponsor a room in the new wing of the hospital. Click here to read more.

Johns Hopkins University choose the Hidex 300SL
John Hopkins University has chosen the Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter. The 300 SL is the most advanced, transportable and user-friendly Liquid scintillation Counter (LSC) on the market. Click here find out more.

Debra - Not just for ADME
Debra Metabolism LIMS has been the industry standard solution to managing the entire life cycle of a range of drug and environmental metabolism studies within an FDA/GLP regulated environment. With over 30 years of development, the system has been adopted by many of the world's leading pharmaceutical, agrochemical and contract research organisations. Click here to find out more.

See the iPHASE MultiSyn in action
Introducing the iPHASE MultiSyn, a compact multi-isotope radiosynthesizer perfect for routine clinical production and R&D

HIVIZ purchase Hidex 300 SL
US-based HIVIZ, a gun sights manufacturer, has purchased the revolutionary Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter to allow them to test products before shipping to customers. This has been made possible by the Hidex 300 SL due to its compact size and TDCR technology.

Scan-RAM Competition
Do you want to win a Scan-RAM radio-TLC scanner? Enter now by filling out a short survey. To celebrate the 500th sale of the Scan-RAM and Flow-RAM instruments, LabLogic is giving away a Scan-RAM to one lucky customer. Enter now.

Learn more about SPECTra, a new radiopharmacy LIMS
SPECTra is a purpose-built radiopharmacy laboratory information system (LIMS) specifically designed to improve radiopharmacy workflow efficiency and compliance. SPECTra is a modular system based on our market leading PET LIMS, PETra, and has already been chosen by 3 key UK radiopharmacy sites. Click here to find out more.

First install of the powerful InCellis cell imager
A Cambridge-based biotech company has paved the way for the InCellis cell imager, a powerful new instrument from Bertin Instruments. The versatile InCellis can easily provide publication quality images, without the need for any kind of dark room. Read more about the installation here.

A universal, fully automated QC lab solution with radio-HPLC
The Tracer-QC rHPLC gives users a powerful quality control (QC) solution for PET/SPECT radiotracers, with the added benefit of also running radio-HPLC tests in a completely automated process. Click here to find out more.

The New PED-ER with Extended Dose Rate Range
Tracerco have added two new models to their award winning, popular range of personal electronic dosimeters. The PED-ER and PED-ER+ have an extended dose rate range of up to 1 Sv/h (100 R/h), providing you with accurate readings to extreme dose rates in the same compact design. Click to find out more.

The Beta-RAM's IRIS Technology Optimises Sensitivity and Resolution
The latest Beta-RAM model 6 radio flow detector for HPLC offers unrivalled sensitivity, resolution and versatility. Its new IRIS technology saves you time and effort when developing radiochromatography methods and optimises sensitivity and resolution. Find out more here.

The LabLogic Group and GDPR
The LabLogic Group has updated its privacy policy to better represent the steps taken by the company to ensure customer data is handled in an ethical fashion, in alignment with the new GDPR regulations. Click here to read more.

A Portable Liquid Scintillation and Gamma Counter Suitable for the US Army
The Hidex Triathler portable liquid scintillation counter is an obvious choice for the US Army, Navy and Airforce. The Triathler is a small, portable and durable instrument which can be easily taken into the field to measure samples on the spot. Read more and see the instrument is the perfect choice.

Luminescence Technologies on the Hidex Sense
The Hidex Sense multi-mode microplate reader has the option of performing direct luminescence at up to 10x the sensitivity. Without the need for further tools, the aperture can be minimised within the software, reducing the risk of cross-talk. Read on to learn more.

MOLECUBES partners with LabLogic Inc.
MOLECUBES has partnered with LabLogic Systems in the USA to offer their innovative PET, SPECT and CT pre-clinical imagers. These modular benchtop imagers, or "CUBES" are ideal for in-vivo multimodal, whole body preclinical imaging. Find out more about the innovative CUBES here.

A LIMS ideal for Agrochemical and E-Fate studies
Debra, the worlds leading metabolism Laboratory Information Management system is now also ideal for agrochemical and environmental fate (E-Fate) studies. Helping your lab to achieve productivity goals and GLP confidence, whilst avoiding transcription errors. Find out more.

A Cell Imager That Has Been Validated by Scientists
The InCellis next generation cell imager produces publication-quality images of cells on numerous platforms, and has been approved and validated by scientists. Utilising a unique low light CMOS Sensor, the InCellis achieves 3x the sensitivity in fluorescence. Read on to learn more.

Veteran Affairs Medical Centers Select the Full Hidex Range
Veteran Affairs Medical Center's across the USA are selecting the Hidex range of instruments for their research, including the Hidex Sense multi-mode microplate reader, and the Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter. Find out more.

LabLogic Celebrates 38th Birthday
This week LabLogic are celebrating their 38th birthday. Founded in 1980 by John Clapham, the company continues to grow whilst providing a high level of experience and expertise to our worldwide customer base. Click to read more.

FDA approves first use of Tracer-QC automated PET-QC solution
The FDA have approved the initial use of the Tracer-QC for release testing of an imaging agent used in PET. Led by Massachusetts General Hospital, the automated optical PET-QC testing instrument was validated for the injection of [N-13] Ammonia, a ground-breaking step in its development process. Find out more.

Scan-RAM radio-TLC Scanner utilised in Gallium-68 research
An international team have recently published a paper using the LabLogic Scan-RAM radio-TLC Scanner investigating coated iron oxide nanoparticles labelled with the positron emitter Gallium-68, as potential PET and MR imaging agents. Find out more.

Tromso and Trondheim choose PET QC solution & PETra
LabLogic's PET QC solution and PET LIMS software, PETra, have been supplied to two world leading facilities in Norway. LabLogic's off-the-shelf solutions can help to address whatever requirements you may have for your PET facility. Find out more.

Watch our new 600 SL liquid scintillation counter feature video
Introducing the Hidex 600 SL automatic liquid scintillation counter. A high throughput LSC with robust and proven TDCR technology and a high capacity racking system. Watch the video to find out more.

LabLogic featured in The Sunday Times
LabLogic are delighted to be included in this year’s Fast Track Profit Track, Ones to Watch shortlist, featured in The Sunday Times. The annual Fast Track lists aim to create a network of the UK’s top performing private companies, from fastest-growing to the largest. Read to find out more.

Tracer-QC proves that pigs can fly
The Tracer-QC now incorporates a removable shielded pig to ensure a safer laboratory environment. By allowing operators to use tongs to deliver the sample to the instrument, finger dose exposure is significantly reduced. Read more to learn about the latest developments with the Tracer-QC.

Introducing brand new features to Laura for PET QC Software
LabLogic's Laura for PET software is the complete workflow solution for PET/SPECT radiochromatography data collection and analysis. Laura for PET offers a single software solution for control, data collection and reporting from radio-HPLC detectors, radio-TLC scanners, MCA, GC and HPLC systems. Find out more.

Hidex 300 SL paves the way for groundbreaking obesity research
Boston University School of Medicine's Obesity Research Centre has carried out research using the 300 SL Liquid Scintillation Counter investigating the role of the autoimmune response in the development of Type 1 diabetes. Find out more.

LSC Minimised and Automated on the Hidex Sense Multi-mode Microplate Reader
The Hidex Sense multi-mode microplate reader has now been incorporated with the K Biosystems stacker to make liquid scintillation counting more efficient by having higher throughput, reduced handling and lower reagent usage. Find out more.

Unrivalled Radiopharmaceutical Batch Reporting Capabilities in PETra
The Batch Record is the key, central document in any radiopharmaceutical manufacturing facility and is heavily scrutinised. PETra, a PET-LIMS software system provides a solution for removing unnecessary issues and reducing the risks which paper-based systems can bring. Find out more.

An Effective Solution to Data Integrity Issues
LabLogic's Laura radiochromatography software is ideal for metabolite profiling, quality control, compound purification and other chromatography tasks. Purpose-built to meet the relevant regulatory requirements, learn how Laura can be an effective radiochromatography solution for your controlled laboratory environment.

The French language version of our website is now available
LabLogic have operated in France for many years, supplying instruments and software to the nuclear medicine and life science sectors. To enhance our customer's experience, we have recently launched a French language version of our website.

Optimise Sensitivity and Resolution with the Beta-RAM's New IRIS Technology
The new IRIS technology in the Beta-RAM model 6 allows users to optimise sensitivity and resolution by making a range of cell volumes available dynamically, without the need to change the flow cell. Find out more.

Why Filters Produce the Best Results Using the Hidex Sense.
An extended optical filter set which covers the majority of the spectrum, and has been optimised for commercially available dyes, can produce the best results using the Hidex Sense luminescence microplate reader. Find out why.

Join us at the UKRG Workshop in Bournville
LabLogic and Southern Scientific are pleased to announce they will be exhibiting at the UKRG Workshop 2018, which will be taking place on 12th January.

Trade in your old Chameleon for the Hidex Sense
LabLogic is offering a fantastic discount when you trade in your old Hidex Chameleon for the Hidex Sense microplate reader.