Debra 6.3 Release

The latest release of Debra will be available in February. The 6.3 version has a number of new features including: Audited and versioned rich text comments, new topical dose study types, TRR calculations, extraction tree comments and enhanced links.
Audited and versioned rich text comments
These will allow customers to use Debra to replace traditional paper lab books and record all method information for sample extractions within a secure database. In addition, rich text formatting now allows for different fonts, subscripts, superscripts to be included in descriptions.
Extraction tree comments
For customers involved in method development to optimise their extraction methods or where sample extractions which require detailed instructions of how the individual sample extract nodes are prepared. Debra now fully audits comments made together with the ability for rich text formatting, including fonts (point size, bold, italics, underline), subscript/supescript. A full revision history of comments showing who made the change and a date/time is available for review.
New topical dose study types
These allow area based dose units such as kg/ha for customers performing both dermal studies and plant metabolism studies where a compound is applied to a soil plot.
TRR calculations
Additional total radioactive residue (TRR) calculations on sample extraction Trace trees together with the ability to normalise recovery to 100% total recovery for each step.
Enhanced links
Will now be available to both Laura and Jane, together with a new metabolism report which allows data columns from both the chromatography data package and Percent of TRR and Residue Concentration.