Safe and quick dose drawing with the µ DDS-A automatic dose drawing station

17 December 2020

Feature video: µ DDS-A automatic dose drawing station from Tema Sinergie

The µ DDS-A automatic dose drawing station from Tema Sinergie is the first and only automatic dose drawing system that has been CE certified (CE 0476).

In the feature video above, see how the µ DDS-A is ergonomically designed and compact. The µ DDS-A dispenses shielded syringes with no need for any intervention by the operators and it a stand-alone plug and play system.

Arrange a demonstration now

LabLogic is the UK & Ireland sole representative for Tema Sinergie and we now support and service all Tema Sinergie’s radiopharmacy and nuclear medicine systems.

If you would like to arrange a demo, please get in touch and for more information, get in touch via our contact page below.


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