Unsurpassed performance for PET metabolite profiling

Designed specifically for the detection and quantification of low-level PET metabolites in the presence of higher levels of a single substance, therapeutic agent, test compound, or substrate.

Posi-RAM™ utilises two bismuth germanate (BGO) crystals mounted on matched photomultiplier tubes with a flow cell in between to achieve the highest possible sensitivity. Using fast coincidence electronics, an event is only registered when each of the detector assemblies detects an event within the coincidence resolving time.

The results are a low background and unmatched signal-to-noise ratio, enabling detection and quantification of low-level PET metabolites.


The Posi-RAM is specifically designed for the detection and quantification of low level PET metabolites.


Although the primary intended use is detection and quantification of low level PET metabolites, the Posi-RAM™ has been designed with flexibility in mind. The coincidence counting circuitry can be switched off to enable gross gamma counting. Under those settings, the Posi-RAM™ can be used for radiochemical purity checks.

Resolution and sensitivity

To achieve the desired resolution and sensitivity, a range of high performance flow cells are available for the Posi-RAM™ with fixed volumes from 5 μL to 500 μL.

Controlled by Laura Radiopharma

Posi-RAM™ control, digital data collection, analysis and reporting is provided by Laura Radiopharma, the industry standard radiochromatography data system developed by LabLogic.

Laura for Radiopharma

Posi-RAM control, digital data collection, analysis and reporting. All achieved using the industry standard radiochromatography data system Laura Radiopharma.

Laura Radiopharma has been the recognised industry standard software for radiochromatography for more than 20 years. The latest evolution of Laura Radiopharma features control of many of the world's leading HPLC and radio detector systems to provide a single point of control for the entire radiochromatography analysis

Laura Radiopharma also features:

  • Half-life correction.
  • Seamless interface with PETra™.
  • Scalable solution from stand-alone to enterprise level.
  • GLP and 21 CFR part 11 compliance options.
  • Automatic peak finder.
  • Document management system.
  • Unique summary table function for data comparison.
  • Powerful reporting and analysis tools.

Existing Posi-RAM users

Click on the tabs below to find out more about our customers, and how they are using the Posi-RAM in their facilities. 

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital & University of Virginia, USA

Counting PET biomarkers to track microglial activation

Volumetric maps quantify persistent microglial activation in athletes diagnosed with SRC who have achieved return to play compared to control groups. (A) Caudate. (B) Thalamus. (C) Putamen. (D) Hippocampus. (E) Amygdala.

The Posi-RAM has been used in a collaborative study by Neumann et al. between St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis TN and the University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA. The study investigated basal levels of translocator protein (TSPO), thought to increase during microglial activation as a consequence of sport-related concussions (SRC). Because of its high sensitivity and low background, the Posi-RAM was used to quantify [18F]DPA-714 binding in the brain of college athletes following a concussion, compared to healthy subjects.

You can learn more about the study and why the Posi-RAM's coincidence counting makes it an ideal instrument for human clinical trials by clicking the button below to find out more.


INRAE, France

Developing an alternative PET quantification research methodology

The Posi-RAM is being used to study arterial input function (AIF) at INRAE, France’s National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment. Director of Research Professor Charles-Henri Malbert has developed an integrated autonomous system for PET quantification in miniature pigs as an alternative to non-human primates (NHP) before progressing to clinical trials for drug evaluation in humans.

In Charles’ integrated system, blood is circulated through an arterial catheter inserted in a femoral artery, passed through the Posi-RAM, and then returned through a saphenous vein. Blood flow in the external transit loop is controlled using a transit time flow meter and AI-controlled pump. Simultaneously, the radioactivity of the PET metabolites in the blood is measured using the Posi-RAM and recorded. Finally, blood is converted to plasma for radio-HPLC at known intervals for discrete sampling. The Logi-Chrom autosampler is used for the automatic injection of plasma samples into the HPLC set-up.

Click the button below to find out more about Charles' research and the role of the Posi-RAM in it.



Application Notes

Evaluation of a commercial radiochromatography module as an arterial blood activity monitor
C M Laymon, D Sashin, J P Carney, J Ruszkiewicz, D Altenburger, C R Becker, B J Lopresti, N S Mason, J M Mountz, J C Price, R Schavey and C A Mathis. Physics in Medicine and Biology 2008, Vol 53, No. 2, p339

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  • Posi-RAM PET metabolite radio-HPLC detector