The world’s leading radio flow detector for HPLC offers unrivalled sensitivity, resolution and versatility.

With over 30 years of development and used by thousands of researchers worldwide, the Beta-RAM radio flow detector for HPLC coupled with the industry standard Laura radiochromatography software, leads the way for radiochromatographers. The all-new Model 6 has impressive features which improve the Beta-RAM’s performance and the efficiency of the radiochromotographer, including;

Patented IRIS Technology

IRIS technology allows users to optimize sensitivity and resolution by making a range of cell volumes available dynamically. Unlike traditional radio flow detectors for HPLC, which rely on a fixed flow cell volume, the IRIS technology gives a wide range of cell volumes without the need to change the flow cell.

NEW Integrated Liquid Manifold

The compact and integrated liquid manifold handles the liquid distribution and mixing with scintillation cocktail. The manifold is designed to reduce dead volume to the minimum, ensuring excellent peak shape and resolution.

Integrated into the Logi-CHROM HPLC Series

Alongside the Logi-CHROM HPLC series, the Beta-RAM 6 is the first flow detector for radio-HPLC to be fully integrated into a HPLC stack. 


NEW IRIS Technology

IRIS technology allows users to optimize sensitivity and resolution by making a range of cell volumes available dynamically. Unlike traditional radio flow detectors for HPLC, which rely on a fixed flow cell volume, the IRIS technology gives a wide range of cell volumes without the need to change the flow cell.

NEW Integrated Liquid Manifold

The compact and integrated liquid manifold handles the liquid distribution and mixing with scintillation cocktail. The manifold is designed to reduce dead volume to the minimum, ensuring excellent peak shape and resolution.

Stop Flow

The stop flow mode allows the user to achieve superb levels of sensitivity previously unavailable with on-line counting methods. By controlling both the Beta-RAM and HPLC system, the user can define a fraction time and counting time therefore eliminating the labour intensive, time consuming process of fraction collecting.

Cell ID

All parameters relative to flow cell type and serial number are seamlessly identified in the Laura software.  Cell ID allows for automatic calculation of eluate residence time and other counting units such as cpm and dpm.

Active Counting Mode

Active Counting Mode allows the system to monitor and adjust run conditions in real-time, dynamically applying the most appropriate settings. This gives on-line detection limits previously only achieved off-line, as well as improved resolution and peak definition.


Counting Mode

The Beta-RAM offers the versatility of either homogeneous counting by mixing with liquid scintillator via the accurate built-in pump or heterogeneous counting with a range of pre-packed solid scintillator flow cells.

Support for UHPLC, Rapid Resolution LC, Fast LC

The latest liquid chromatography technologies require dead volumes, connections and flow control of the scintillation cocktail to be finely managed. The parameters on the Model 6 are optimized to give superb performance with even the most rigorous LC demands.

Stackable radio HPLC detector

The Beta-RAM can be easily stacked with HPLC systems; specifically, it has been designed to integrate with the LabLogic Logi-CHROM HPLC stack.

Industry Standard Radiochromatography Software for HPLC

The Beta-RAM is controlled by LabLogic’s Laura software, which has been recognised as the industry standard radiochromatography software package for over 30 years. It features connectivity to the world’s leading HPLC systems and impressive data analysis.



With over 30 years of development and used by thousands of researchers worldwide the Beta-RAM radio flow detector for HPLC, coupled with the industry standard Laura software, continues to lead the way for radiochromatographers.

Laura Radiochromatography Data Collection and Analysis Software

Instrument control, digital data collection, analysis and reporting all achieved using the industry standard radiochromatography data system Laura. The latest version of Laura features control of the world's leading HPLC and radio detector systems to provide a single point of control for the entire radiochromatography analysis.

Laura also features;

  • Scalable solution from stand alone to enterprise level.
  • GLP and 21 CFR part 11 compliance options.
  • Unique summary table function for data comparison.
  • Document management system.
  • Automatic peak finder.
  • Powerful reporting and analysis tools.

Existing Beta-RAM users 

Click the tabs below to learn more about our customers and their applications for the Beta-RAM.

Fera Science, UK

Stop Flow in action: An alternative to fraction collection

Senior Chemist Phil Lamond (inset) is using the Beta-RAM in studies for Environmental Risk Assessments at Fera's Sand Hutton site on the York Biotech Campus.

The Beta-RAM is being used by Fera Science for eFate studies. Located on the York Biotech Campus, it is a joint public-private research organisation for environmental management, conservation, and agriculture that adheres to guidelines defined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for the testing of chemicals in soil, sediment, and water. Fera performs Environmental Risk Assessments (ERA) for companies introducing new chemicals such as pesticides and biocides. Compounds are radiolabelled with 14C or 3H and degradation profiles mapped out over predetermined timepoints using chromatography, with studies lasting up to 90 and 220 days.

The Beta-RAM’s innovative Stop Flow measurement protocol increases the residence time of the analytes in the Beta-RAM’s flow cell, taking a snapshot of the sample at regular intervals. This increases the sensitivity of the radioactivity detector and improves the signal-to-noise ratio. LabLogic's HPLC system, the Logi-CHROM, fully supports Stop Flow functionality and is stackable with the Beta-RAM 6.

You can find out what Senior Chemist Phil Lamond had to say about Stop Flow by clicking the button below to find out more.


Contract research organisation, USA

The experienced user described how when comparing the Beta-RAM 6 to the Perkin Elmer FSA, the Beta-RAM 6 is the clear winner. Read in more detail here.


The German chemistry giant chose the Beta-RAM 5 radio detector to be used at the BASF Agricultural Products Division at Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Senior Research Associate, Dr Huns Nejad, explains in more details here.

University of Manchester, UK

The university chose the Beta-RAM for the study of phosphoinositides, a family of phospholipids that regulate many cellular processes. Dr David R Jones, an associate scientist in the Institute’s Inositide Laboratory, explains the work in more detail here.


Application Notes

Radisotopic characterization as an analytical tool: current status, limitations and future challenges
By: Deakin, Tom
BIOANALYSIS Volume: 7 Issue: 5 Special Issue: SI Pages: 541-555 Published: 2015

Improved sensitivity and resolution of on-line radiochromatography measurements to support future drug metabolism studies
By: Deakin, Tom; Thompson, Lee F.; Hall, Keith A.; et al.
Conference: 20th North American Meeting of the International-Society-for-the-Study-of-Xenobiotics (ISSX) Location: Orlando, FL Date: OCT 18-22, 2015
Sponsor(s): Int Soc Study Xenobiot
DRUG METABOLISM REVIEWS Volume: 48 Supplement: 1 Pages: 111-112 Meeting Abstract: P179 Published: 2016

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  • Radio flow detector for HPLC