zenCELL owl News

Cell imaging systems for all life science applications


LabLogic has a range of cell imagers for applications from oncology, immunology, and stem cell research to assays and cell confluences

zenCELL owl incubator microscope in the study of Buruli ulcer pathogenesis


The zenCELL owl live cell imager has been used in a recent study of Buruli ulcer (BU) pathogenesis. Click to find out more

Phasefocus Livecyte Kinetic Cytometer at the Huntsman Cancer Institute


Using Livecyte’s high-content imaging and cell analysis in the study of melanocytes

First UK install of the zenCELL owl at the University of Surrey


The University of Surrey has seen the delivery of TWO zenCELL owls, click to read their feedback. 

Got budget left to spend? Take advantage of our end of year discounts


Maximise your remaining budget with us! Find out more about our life sciences discounts... 

Webinar: Advances in incubator microscopy


Learn about advances in incubator microscopy in a zenCELL owl webinar, click to register. 

Don't miss our spring offers on the zenCELL owl!


We're offering huge savings on the zenCELL owl 24-camera microscope for incubators, click to find out more

Automated live cell imaging: learn more about the zenCELL Owl


Check out our new video for the zenCELL Owl cell imager! 

Try the zenCELL owl cell imager in your lab


Easily arrange a remote demo and try the zenCELL owl cell imager, click to book. 

Webinar: Time-Lapse Microscopy of Spheroids with zenCELL owl


Learn more about the zenCELL owl microscope in an upcoming webinar, click to sign up.

Webinar: Learn more about InCellis and our new cell imaging systems


Learn more about InCellis and our new cell imaging systems in a webinar, click to sign up. 

Introducing the zenCELL owl live cell imager


LabLogic now offer the zenCELL owl, a 24-camera microscope for fast and automated live cell microscopy. Find out more. 

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