Instant results whenever and wherever with the portable Hidex Triathler liquid scintillation counter and luminometer
The Hidex Triathler is a single sample liquid scintillation counter that provides fast and accurate results for several life science and environmental applications. It can count all radioisotopes including tritium in a variety of sample formats. Due to its very small size and light weight, the Triathler can be taken in the field to measure samples on the spot.
Although small, the Triathler has many advanced features such as advanced spectrum analysis using a multi-channel analyzer (MCA), Instant DPM results, single-photon luminescence counting, and optional PC control and data transfer.
The Triathler has advanced features such as a built-in multichannel analyzer, optional alpha-beta separation electronics, and connectivity to a PC for instrument control and data analysis.
Easy to Use
A keypad allows single key operation for immediate results using preset protocols for any isotope.
The Triathler’s small size and light weight make it ideal for personal use on a benchtop or for on-site field/sea measurements.
The Triathler is suitable for just about any beta radiation, gamma radiation or luminescence application and accepts most types of vials and sample formats.
Existing Hidex Triathler customers
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Application Notes
Liquid scintillation determination of uranium (234U/238U) from water by coctail extraction
Application Note
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Quench correction and DPM calculation in Triathler, Setting discrimination windows
Application Note
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Triathler in Nuclear Medicine: Measurement of disposal activities of radiopharmaceutical Y-90-Zevalin
Application Note
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Tritium wipe tests with filter discs and wad sticks in Triathler
Application Note
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