Scan-RAM MCA News

Application note: Cut and count vs. radio-TLC scanners
Read LabLogic’s new application note comparing cut and count and radio-TLC scanners

Explore the new Scan-RAM 2 range of r-TLC scanners in our latest video
Watch as we demonstrate the advanced features of the next generation of radiochromatography equipment

Cost-effective alternative solutions to HPGe detectors for gamma spectrometry
LabLogic has developed smaller, affordable detectors for the Quality Control of PET and SPECT radiotracers. Click here to learn more

QC solutions for Gallium-68 PET radiotracers
LabLogic delivers a range of instruments for quality control and regulatory compliance in the manufacture of 68Ga radiopharmaceuticals.

LabLogic’s Scan-RAM radio-TLC scanner
Determining radiochemical purity for PET/SPECT applications in hospitals, universities, and laboratories around the world

Completing a remote installation for Minute Medical
LabLogic completed a fully remote installation of the nuclear medicine solutions for Minute Medical, click to find out more.

SNMMI - We miss you! But we're available for demos
Don't forget we're available for virtual demonstrations for all our nuclear medicine solutions, click here to book.

“Reliable and intuitive” A new Scan-RAM radio-TLC scanner for Herlev Hospital in Denmark
Read more about how Herlev Hospital is using the Scan-RAM for the quality control of Lu177-PSMA for cancer therapy.

Learn more about the Scan-RAM MCA radio-TLC scanner
The Scan-RAM MCA provides accurate results for both radiochemical purity and radionuclidic identity tests, click to watch our video and book a demo.

Supplying a PET QC solution in Costa Rica
The solution included LabLogic’s latest variant from the Scan-RAM range, click to find out more.

Watch the new demonstration of the Scan-RAM range
Click here to watch the latest video from LabLogic showcasing the Scan-RAM radio-TLC range.

Winner of the Scan-RAM competition announced
To celebrate LabLogic's 500th installation of the Scan-RAM and Flow-RAM instruments, we decided to mark the occasion and give away one Scan-RAM radio-TLC scanner. The competition ran until EANM 2018, where the winner was announced, click here to read more.
Madrid's new hospital takes its first delivery
The Clinica Universitaria de Madrid in Spain recently invested in a Scan-RAM unit and Laura for PET for their new facility.

The new combined PET/SPECT Radio-TLC Scanner and MCA
The new Scan-RAM MCA combines a PET/SPECT Radio-TLC Scanner and Multichannel Analyser, providing accurate and reproducible results.