News Archive

Radio-TLC measurements in just 2 clicks
Laura’s new quick start wizard streamlines radiopharmaceutical QC with an intuitive user interface

Discover an easier way to monitor gamma contamination with the Radhound Mini
In our latest video, we demonstrate the key features of our new radiation monitor for nuclear medicine

Radiometric analysis of heavier actinides with the Hidex 300 SL
The Colorado School of Mines has been using the liquid scintillation counter to count the decays of novel isotopes such as Berkelium and Californium

LabLogic achieves Gold Investors in People accreditation
LabLogic has proven to be a great place to work! Find out more here

LabLogic’s Laura for PET has been rebranded as Laura Radiopharma
Our radiochromatography software for PET and SPECT adheres to GMP-compliant ALCOA principles

Portable plate reading for advanced luminescence applications
Byonoy has released the new Luminescence 96 compact plate reader for cell viability assays, reporter gene assays, and protein assays

What are SiPM detectors and why use them in radiochromatography?
The Scan-RAM 2’s new smart cableless detectors deliver improved counting efficiency and stable performance

Introducing the new Radhound Mini for contamination monitoring
Lightweight and durable, the radiation monitor solves many of the common problems of traditional monitors such as weight, cost, and fragility

Sensitive gamma spectrometry for Ga-68
The Centre Hospitalier de Valenciennes has been using LabLogic’s Spec-RAM to determine the radionuclidic identity of gamma-emitting radiopharmaceuticals

Introducing miniaturisation to laboratory workflows with the Absorbance 96
Despite advancements in technology, traditional laboratory workflows still face bottlenecks, but the Byonoy plate reader is scarcely larger than a 96 well plate

Explore the new Scan-RAM 2 range of r-TLC scanners in our latest video
Watch as we demonstrate the advanced features of the next generation of radiochromatography equipment
Developing the next generation of Liquid Scintillation Counters for super low-level analysis
After identifying a unique fault due to local environmental conditions at Washington State Public Health Laboratories, Hidex redesigned the existing 600 SL

Automated radiopharmaceutical dispensing and infusion
The KARL100 is a dispensing and infusion system for PET that is compatible with multiple radiotracers

Phasefocus release their new Livecyte T-cell killing assay
The new assay addresses challenges faced by researchers in investigating the efficacy and cytotoxicity of engineered T-cells in killing target cancers

LabLogic launch the new Scan-RAM 2 and Flow-RAM 2
We are proud to launch a new generation of radiochromatography equipment, including a new range of Scan-RAM 2 and Flow-RAM 2 products

Steve Archibald: Why Hull chose to be the first Tracer-QC customer in the UK
Hull’s Molecular Imaging Research Centre will be using the automated PET QC solution to develop novel radiotracers for superior diagnostics

Streamlining supply chain operations for radiopharmaceuticals
In the second part of our conversation with Evergreen Theragnostics, we find out how Orla is optimising workflow efficiency

A new generation of radiochromatography equipment set to be launched at EANM 2023
With installations spanning the globe, LabLogic continuously strives to drive innovation to enhance workflow efficiency and compliance standards
Advanced tritium analysis at nuclear power stations using the Hidex 300 SL
Watts Bar NPP in Tennessee is validating the liquid scintillation counters to count gaseous and liquid samples in key systems

Detecting gamma-emitting radionuclides in PET/SPECT
The Logi-CHROM ONE r-HPLC can be installed with a choice of radiodetectors to suit specific imaging applications
Validating Analytical Methods in the development of Lutetium-177-PSMA-1
LabLogic’s instruments have been used to produce a validation dossier for a new beta-emitting radiopharmaceutical for therapy by CHU Grenoble Alpes

Improved assay validation and integrated plate reading with Byonoy’s latest software update
The Absorbance 96 App enables advanced data analysis for quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods

Learn how to control your Scan-RAM with our online training platform
LabLogic’s new Training Resources Portal is a free online platform that allows users to familiarise themselves with our Laura software for instrument control

Combustion of samples in eFate and metabolism studies using the Hidex 600 OX
The sample oxidizer is being used by Corteva™ Agriscience to research the residual activity of novel active ingredients

Managing a new PET production facility using PETra
Örebro University Hospital in Sweden has chosen LabLogic’s PET LIMS for its new radiopharmacy to supply F-18 for its PET/CT cameras

Determining the biobased content of liquid hydrocarbon fuels using LSC with spiked Carbon-14
The new ASTM D8473-22 method allows direct biofuel measurements in a single day with Hidex liquid scintillation counters

Implementing the online ordering of radiopharmaceuticals with Orla
Evergreen Theragnostics has been using LabLogic’s newest software solution to improve their radiopharmaceutical ordering process

VIDEO: Complete PET-QC in just 5 clicks with Tracer-QC
No pen touches paper from sample to report using this automated single-instrument solution. Watch our latest video to learn more
Data integrity and GLP compliance for drug and environmental metabolism studies
LabLogic’s Debra and Laura software solutions provide instrument control and data analysis for FDA/GLP regulated environments
Synthesising and validating [18-F]PARPi with the Logi-CHROM HPLC system
LabLogic’s HPLC modules have been installed at Essen University Hospital where it is used in the development of novel radiotracers

VIDEO: Ultra-low-level analysis is back with Hidex’s newest liquid scintillation counter
The Hidex ULLA is the first ultra-low-level analyzer available since the 1220 QUANTULUS™. Watch the latest video to find out more

Detritiation and tritium analysis at UKAEA with Wilma
LabLogic’s monitoring system for tritium in air is being used in the JET Decommissioning and Repurposing Project at H3AT

Endotoxin testing of PET radiolabelled tracers with the Endosafe® nexgen-PTS™
LabLogic is now an official distributor for Charles River’s hand-held portable spectrophotometer for LAL assays providing endotoxin results in 15 minutes
Radiochemical purity testing for GMP and research PET tracers
LabLogic’s Scan-RAM is being used by Edinburgh Imaging Facility’s radiochemistry unit for F-18, C-11, and O-15. Find out more here

The LabLogic Group has been awarded The King’s Award for Enterprise for International Trade
The prestigious award recognises exceptional international growth and contributions to the United Kingdom’s exports

Cost-effective alternative solutions to HPGe detectors for gamma spectrometry
LabLogic has developed smaller, affordable detectors for the Quality Control of PET and SPECT radiotracers. Click here to learn more

83% reduction in SOPs for PET release testing with Tracer-QC
This automated system reduces a highly-skilled time and labour-intensive process to just 5 mouse clicks. Find out how here

Cell imaging systems for all life science applications
LabLogic has a range of cell imagers for applications from oncology, immunology, and stem cell research to assays and cell confluences

Radiation monitoring and environmental research using the Hidex 300 SL
The liquid scintillation counter is being used at the University of the West of England in the School of Applied Sciences

Accurate delivery of scintillant and liquid mixing as standard for radiochromatography
LabLogic’s Beta-RAM includes several integrated features commonly sold separately in other radio-HPLC flow detectors

Luxium Solutions announces distribution agreement with the LabLogic Group
Formerly known as Saint-Gobain Crystals, Luxium is a manufacturer of high-quality scintillation materials. Click here to find out more

LabLogic launches new online training platform for software and instrumentation
The Training Resources Portal is an interactive platform with dedicated courses and exercises for Laura, PETra, and associated instrumentation

Quantitative analysis of proteins and nucleic acids with samples as small as 2μL
The Hidex Sense multimode microplate reader can analyse sixteen samples simultaneously in a matter of seconds. Learn more here

Automated catalytic sample combustion for high-capacity processing
The Hidex 600 OX Sample Oxidizer can combust up to six samples in series with improved user safety to achieve higher throughput. Learn how here

Automating radionuclide separation at the National Physical Laboratory
The Hidex Q-ARE 50 is an automated radionuclide extraction system that has been installed at NPL’s Nuclear Metrology Group. Find out more
Quality Control of Gallium-68 with LabLogic’s dedicated PET LIMS
PETra has been chosen by the Medical University of Białystok's Department of Biopharmacy and Radiopharmacy to manage radiopharmaceuticals

Detecting and quantifying PET metabolites with low radioactivity
LabLogic’s Posi-RAM profiles metabolites in the presence of single substrates, therapeutic agents, and test compounds

Controlling liquid scintillation counters using external computers
Hidex is the only manufacturer of liquid scintillation counters whose software is fully compatible with Windows 11, Microsoft’s latest major release