Laura Radiopharma News

A multipurpose gamma spectrometer
The Centre Antoine Lacassagne in Nice evaluating the isotopic blood volume of patients labelled with Tc-99m for the detection of polycythaemia

Determining radiochemical yield of Ac-225 with direct alpha detection
In our recent webinar, we presented findings on optimised radio-TLC scanning for Ac-225-PSMA using the Scan-RAM 2

Combine two tests in one with the Spec-RAM range
You can now simultaneously test nuclidic ID via a half-life measurement and nuclidic purity using the gamma spectrometers

Radio-HPLC, radio-TLC, and gamma spectrometry in one compact instrument
The Scan-RAM 2 All-in-One allows users to perform three QC checks and reduce dose exposure

Counting PET biomarkers to track microglial activation
The Posi-RAM has been used in a collaborative study by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the University of Virginia

Radio-HPLC in one simple solution
In this new video, Product Specialist George Hunter walks us through the new, updated Logi-CHROM ONE

Flexible options for radionuclidic identity and purity with the Spec-RAM range
In this video, we give a comprehensive overview of the Spec-RAM range of gamma spectrometers

The new Logi-CHROM ONE: powerful radio-HPLC in one small unit
The updated system provides a cost-effective, benchtop solution for radiochemical purity testing using the most common HPLC modules

Managing user access in Laura for GLP and regulatory compliance
In the first of a series of training videos, we demonstrate how Laura’s Project Membership provides a secure platform for radiolabelled studies and pharmaceuticals

Discover the new Flow-RAM 2 in our most recent video
We showcase the advanced features of our new radio-HPLC detector for PET and SPECT in this latest demonstration

Eliminating paper records in PET/QC with PETra
PET Pharm Biotech in Taiwan is using LabLogic’s LIMS to improve efficiency by digitising their batch records

Radio-TLC measurements in just 2 clicks
Laura’s new quick start wizard streamlines radiopharmaceutical QC with an intuitive user interface

LabLogic’s Laura for PET has been rebranded as Laura Radiopharma
Our radiochromatography software for PET and SPECT adheres to GMP-compliant ALCOA principles

Sensitive gamma spectrometry for Ga-68
The Centre Hospitalier de Valenciennes has been using LabLogic’s Spec-RAM to determine the radionuclidic identity of gamma-emitting radiopharmaceuticals

Explore the new Scan-RAM 2 range of r-TLC scanners in our latest video
Watch as we demonstrate the advanced features of the next generation of radiochromatography equipment
Validating Analytical Methods in the development of Lutetium-177-PSMA-1
LabLogic’s instruments have been used to produce a validation dossier for a new beta-emitting radiopharmaceutical for therapy by CHU Grenoble Alpes

Learn how to control your Scan-RAM with our online training platform
LabLogic’s new Training Resources Portal is a free online platform that allows users to familiarise themselves with our Laura software for instrument control

Managing a new PET production facility using PETra
Örebro University Hospital in Sweden has chosen LabLogic’s PET LIMS for its new radiopharmacy to supply F-18 for its PET/CT cameras
Synthesising and validating [18-F]PARPi with the Logi-CHROM HPLC system
LabLogic’s HPLC modules have been installed at Essen University Hospital where it is used in the development of novel radiotracers
Radiochemical purity testing for GMP and research PET tracers
LabLogic’s Scan-RAM is being used by Edinburgh Imaging Facility’s radiochemistry unit for F-18, C-11, and O-15. Find out more here

Cost-effective alternative solutions to HPGe detectors for gamma spectrometry
LabLogic has developed smaller, affordable detectors for the Quality Control of PET and SPECT radiotracers. Click here to learn more

LabLogic launches new online training platform for software and instrumentation
The Training Resources Portal is an interactive platform with dedicated courses and exercises for Laura, PETra, and associated instrumentation

Adaptable solutions for radionuclide identity and radionuclidic purity analysis
LabLogic’s Spec-RAM™ gamma spectrometer can accommodate a range of different vial sizes for radiopharmaceuticals

Designing new F-18 radiotracers using LabLogic instruments
Emmanuel Gras has been using the Scan-RAM and Flow-RAM at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse. See what he had to say by clicking here

Supporting the production of theragnostic radionuclides
LabLogic has proven to be a one-stop shop for SpectronRX, a US Contract Development and Manufacturing Organisation. Find out how here

QC solutions for Gallium-68 PET radiotracers
LabLogic delivers a range of instruments for quality control and regulatory compliance in the manufacture of 68Ga radiopharmaceuticals.

Why choose LabLogic’s Logi-CHROM ONE?
The Logi-CHROM ONE is an integrated radio-HPLC system for QC of PET and SPECT radiolabelled compounds. Find out more here

LabLogic’s Scan-RAM radio-TLC scanner
Determining radiochemical purity for PET/SPECT applications in hospitals, universities, and laboratories around the world

LabLogic’s Posi-RAM PET metabolite radio-HPLC detector
Designed for the detection and quantification of low-level PET metabolites. Click to find out more

Translational research using the Posi-RAM
Charles-Henri and LabLogic have been working together for several years, using our Scan-RAM, Logi-CHROM, and Posi-RAM instruments
Introducing Laura’s NEW report designer
A comprehensive report designer which allows users to optimise reports for all applications

Evergreen Theragnostics choose Orla and LabLogic’s integrated solutions
Evergreen Theragnostics have chosen LabLogic for LIMS, radiochromatography software, and QC equipment

Flow-RAM: The versatile radio-HPLC detector
LabLogic’s Flow-RAM is designed for PET and SPECT radio-HPLC applications

New functionality in Laura for PET: Automatic Pass/Fail criteria capability
Laura for PET now features the ability to have user-defined calculations with a pass or fail criteria automatically applied and reported, click to find out more.

Our final Laura webinar is taking place tomorrow
Make sure you're signed up for our final Laura webinar; Data Analysis.

Unmatched signal to noise ratio with the Posi-RAM PET radio-HPLC detector
The Posi-RAM delivers the lowest possible limits of detection when profiling PET metabolites, click to read more.

SNMMI - We miss you! But we're available for demos
Don't forget we're available for virtual demonstrations for all our nuclear medicine solutions, click here to book.

Our Laura webinar series continues tomorrow
Are you signed up to learn more about the single point of control solution? Click to learn more.

Are you signed up to our Laura webinar tomorrow?
Missed the second Laura webinar? Sign up to view the recording.

Missed the first Laura webinar? Catch up now!
Missed the first Laura webinar? Sign up to view the recording.

Upcoming webinar series: Learn more about Laura
We're hosting a webinar series about Laura - the industry standard radiochromatography system, click to read more.

Safeguard your radiochromatography data in Laura for PET
Laura for PET radiochromatography software has secure data storage, click to read more about its features.

Learn more about the Scan-RAM MCA radio-TLC scanner
The Scan-RAM MCA provides accurate results for both radiochemical purity and radionuclidic identity tests, click to watch our video and book a demo.

Serving South America: LabLogic supplies PET QC solution in Peru
LabLogic has completed a deal to supply a PET QC solution to a new PET facility in Peru, South America. Click to find out more.

Make sure your software is Windows 10 ready

A new era for Laura radiochromatography software
LabLogic is delighted to announce a new version of the world's leading radiochromatography software, Laura 6. Click here to find out more.

Laura for PET - the "go-to" chromatography software at MSKCC
The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York City use Laura for PET, LabLogic's QC software solution for PET/SPECT production. Find out why they think it's the ""go-to" chromatography software.

Introducing brand new features to Laura for PET QC Software
LabLogic's Laura for PET software is the complete workflow solution for PET/SPECT radiochromatography data collection and analysis. Laura for PET offers a single software solution for control, data collection and reporting from radio-HPLC detectors, radio-TLC scanners, MCA, GC and HPLC systems. Find out more.
Madrid's new hospital takes its first delivery
The Clinica Universitaria de Madrid in Spain recently invested in a Scan-RAM unit and Laura for PET for their new facility.

The new combined PET/SPECT Radio-TLC Scanner and MCA
The new Scan-RAM MCA combines a PET/SPECT Radio-TLC Scanner and Multichannel Analyser, providing accurate and reproducible results.

GMP compliance with help from the experts
LabLogic recognises that GMP compliance is no straightforward task, it requires a good understanding of GMP principles, document requirements and their application in a radiopharmacy setting.
Servicing Scandinavia and the Baltic Region
LabLogic has recently been establishing a significant client base in Scandinavia and the Baltic Region. Projects, involving installation of a full range of QC instrumentation for analysis of multiple PET products have recently been completed in Kuopio, Finland, in Linköping, Sweden and now in Tallinn, Estonia.

A new release of Laura v4.2.11.129 is now available
In this release functionality has been added for evaluation and data analysis.

Laura LSC import function

PET laboratory products that deliver
LabLogic's range of specialist radio-TLC and radio-HPLC instruments are in use in clinical and preclinical facilities throughout the world. Designed to be used in isolation or as part of a wider network, they are driven by bespoke Laura for PET software which not only controls the instruments individually but can also link to and control other equipment used in quality control during the production of radiopharmaceuticals.
Equipping the new PET Centre at the King Hamad University Hospital
LabLogic have recently secured a contract to fully equip the new PET Centre at the King Hamad University Hospital in Bahrain with its innovative PET QC Solution.
LabLogic's Scan-RAM helps simplify labelled radiopharmaceutical production at New Cross Hospital
The Scan-RAM is proving to be an indispensable instrument for hospital radiopharmacy departments throughout the NHS.
Supporting PET in Scandinavia
PET specialists from across Scandinavia and beyond will be gathering in Sweden later this week for the region's annual radiochemistry meeting.
More acclaim for Scan-RAM from Czech PET facility
The PET Centre in Brno has added to the growing positive feedback about LabLogics Scan-RAM radio TLC scanner for PET and SPECT.
LabLogic detectors and software aid PET /SPECT collaboration
Two healthcare organisations in Grenoble, France, are using LabLogic's Laura radio-chromatography system and instrumentation sourced from the same company to enhance their ability to work closely together.
Radiochromatography system installed at eleven PET production sites
When IBA were looking for a new radiochromatography system to replace legacy software in all eleven of its FDG PET production facilities across America, they had a number of clear requirements.
Software demonstrations made easy
LabLogic Systems has made it easier than ever to see demonstrations of its software for drug metabolism, PET and radio-chemistry.
'Two in one' radio scanner/detector fits the budget (and the bench)
LabLogic's new combined Scan-RAM Radio-TLC scanner and Radio-HPLC flow through detector is already winning praise from university researchers for its money-saving two in one characteristics.
Turnkey PET QC solution on show at 2011 EANM Congress
PET radiopharmaceutical professionals setting up or upgrading a complete QC laboratory to comply with imminent FDA regulations can see all the equipment and services they need on the LabLogic Systems stand at the European Association of Nuclear Medicine Annual Congress 2011 (Birmingham, UK, 15 to 19 October).
Laura 4.1.3 makes chromatograms clearer and background subtraction easier
The new 4.1.3 release of LabLogic's industry-standard radiochromatography system Laura brings users a host of new features to help chromatographers interpret and report results, and support for more than twenty additional instruments.
New chromatography data system is PET-specific
LabLogic has introduced a version of its tried and tested Laura chromatography data system specifically for PET applications.
PET / SPECT products on show in Denmark
From the 24th to 25th March radiochromatography specialist LabLogic Systems will be at the 2011 Danish Radiochemistry Meeting in Odense to explain the benefits of the products it has developed specifically for PET and SPECT applications.