Life Sciences News

Automated sample combustion in cover crop studies


The Hidex 600 OX has been used to study cover crops and investigate carbon capture by the University of Copenhagen

Validating CAN spectroscopy to assess chemotherapeutic drugs


The Absorbance 96 has been used to measure cell viability and proliferation, providing endpoint data to confirm the drug’s effects on cells

The IAEA confirms the Hidex ULLA’s suitability for contemporary ultra-low-level tritium analysis


In a recent study, the ultra-low-level analyser’s detection levels was found to address key analytical challenges posed by significantly reduced H-3 levels

High throughput and precision microplate reading for biochemical analysis


The Absorbance 96 has been used in a study that has developed a novel method to preserve human skin for transplantation

Managing the complete lifecycle of radiolabelled metabolism studies


LabLogic's advanced software solutions enable users to handle the full lifecycle of a radiolabelled metabolism study in FDA/GLP-regulated environments

Researching therapies for spinal cord injuries


The Phasefocus Livecyte is being used by the Spinal Injury Project based at the Clem Jones Centre for Neurobiology and Stem Cell Research

Stop Flow in action: An alternative to fraction collection


Fera Science is using the Beta-RAM radio-HPLC flow detector with a Stop Flow valve for Environmental Risk Assessments

The LabLogic Group receives the King’s Award for Enterprise for International Trade


To mark the first anniversary of being awarded the King’s Award for Enterprise, the Lord-Lieutenant of South Yorkshire has presented the honour in person

Portable plate reading without compromising on performance


The Absorbance 96 has been used in a comparative study where it obtained results comparable to other, larger plate readers 

The Beta-RAM 6: Setting a new standard in radiolabelled metabolite detection


In our latest video, we demonstrate our radio flow detector for ADME and eFate research

Analysing phytotelmata composition of Nepenthes plants in the Bornean rainforest


Dr. Skylar Johnson from the University of Bristol has used Byonoy's instruments to study pitcher plants in Brunei Darussalam

Shaping endothelial research with the Phasefocus Livecyte at the University of Nottingham


The kinetic cytometer has been used by the Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors to observe angiogenesis

Studying photosynthetic carbon fixation in plants with the Hidex 600 SL


The liquid scintillation counter is being used by the Lancaster Environment Centre to help develop more resilient and productive crops

Using the Hidex Sense to unveil the regulatory network controlling natural transformation in lactococci


The microplate reader has been used to investigate the role of a glucose-maltose diauxic shift on the spontaneous competence of Lactococcus lactis

Managing user access in Laura for GLP and regulatory compliance


In the first of a series of training videos, we demonstrate how Laura’s Project Membership provides a secure platform for radiolabelled studies and pharmaceuticals

Quantifying scientific theories at the University of York’s core imaging facility with the Phasefocus Livecyte


Researchers at the Imaging & Cytometry Laboratory share their experiences with the kinetic cytometer in the latest video from Phasefocus

Measuring environmental tritium with the Hidex ULLA


The André E. Lalonde AMS Laboratory in Canada is the first site in North America to be using the new ultra-low level counter, superseding the QUANTULUS

Determining cell proliferation after being exposed to GPC1 with the Absorbance 96


The Byonoy plate reader has been used in a recent breakthrough study by Cheng et al. to investigate glypicans in tumorigenesis

Quantifying radiolabelled CECs using Hidex instruments


The University of Surrey has been researching the fate of contaminants of emerging concerns to understand the effects of nanoplastics in the environment

Radiometric analysis of heavier actinides with the Hidex 300 SL


The Colorado School of Mines has been using the liquid scintillation counter to count the decays of novel isotopes such as Berkelium and Californium

Portable plate reading for advanced luminescence applications


Byonoy has released the new Luminescence 96 compact plate reader for cell viability assays, reporter gene assays, and protein assays

Introducing miniaturisation to laboratory workflows with the Absorbance 96


Despite advancements in technology, traditional laboratory workflows still face bottlenecks, but the Byonoy plate reader is scarcely larger than a 96 well plate

Developing the next generation of Liquid Scintillation Counters for super low-level analysis


After identifying a unique fault due to local environmental conditions at Washington State Public Health Laboratories, Hidex redesigned the existing 600 SL

Phasefocus release their new Livecyte T-cell killing assay


The new assay addresses challenges faced by researchers in investigating the efficacy and cytotoxicity of engineered T-cells in killing target cancers

Improved assay validation and integrated plate reading with Byonoy’s latest software update


The Absorbance 96 App enables advanced data analysis for quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods

Combustion of samples in eFate and metabolism studies using the Hidex 600 OX


The sample oxidizer is being used by Corteva™ Agriscience to research the residual activity of novel active ingredients

Determining the biobased content of liquid hydrocarbon fuels using LSC with spiked Carbon-14


The new ASTM D8473-22 method allows direct biofuel measurements in a single day with Hidex liquid scintillation counters

Data integrity and GLP compliance for drug and environmental metabolism studies


LabLogic’s Debra and Laura software solutions provide instrument control and data analysis for FDA/GLP regulated environments

Cell imaging systems for all life science applications


LabLogic has a range of cell imagers for applications from oncology, immunology, and stem cell research to assays and cell confluences

Quantitative analysis of proteins and nucleic acids with samples as small as 2μL


The Hidex Sense multimode microplate reader can analyse sixteen samples simultaneously in a matter of seconds. Learn more here

Automated catalytic sample combustion for high-capacity processing


The Hidex 600 OX Sample Oxidizer can combust up to six samples in series with improved user safety to achieve higher throughput. Learn how here

Using the Phasefocus Livecyte in cancer and vascular research at Texas Tech University


Dr. Constantinos Mikelis and Dr. Ulrich Bickel share their experiences with the kinetic cytometer in their core imaging facility. Watch here

Manage your Extraction Procedures with Debra


Debra’s Trace module is an invaluable tool for metabolism laboratories that perform sample preparation prior to analysis.

A new category of plate reader with the Absorbance 96


The Byonoy Absorbance 96 is a portable and customisable plate reader for laboratories and field investigations. Watch the latest video to find out more

Macrophage immunology assays using the Phasefocus Livecyte


The Livecyte combines high contrast label-free imaging with correlative fluorescence and automatic cell tracking for quantifying phagocyte behaviour

Minimised and automated liquid scintillation counting on the Hidex Sense


The Hidex Sense combines multi-mode microplate reading and LSC to deliver two instruments in one. Click here to learn more

VIDEO: Triple to Double Coincidence Ratio explained


In our latest video, we explain what TDCR is, and how it improves the counting efficiencies of LSCs without the need for an internal radiation source

LabLogic's Logi-CHROM HPLC autosampler with unique injection modes


3 unique injection modes deliver maximum efficiency and accuracy with superb sample integrity. Find out how here

Hidex Sense at the University of Surrey


The Sense has been used to study antimicrobial resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. Find out how here

Phasefocus Livecyte Kinetic Cytometer at the Francis Crick Institute


The Livecyte has been used to identify a new role of the ubiquitin ligase HECTD2 in the cellular proliferation of melanoma cells. Find out how here

Hidex 600 SLe: the latest generation of liquid scintillation counters


Hidex are excited to release the improved 600 SLe liquid scintillation counter with several improved key features

Managing environmental metabolism studies in an FDA/GLP regulated environment


LabLogic's Debra is a LIMs designed to manage the life cycle of a range of drug and environmental metabolism studies

zenCELL owl incubator microscope in the study of Buruli ulcer pathogenesis


The zenCELL owl live cell imager has been used in a recent study of Buruli ulcer (BU) pathogenesis. Click to find out more

Supporting independent research with the Absorbance 96 plate reader


Twelvetrees Lab choose the Absorbance 96 plate reader for protein quantification assays

Introducing the NEW Byonoy Absorbance One


Cuvette reading in the palm of your hand

Phasefocus Livecyte Kinetic Cytometer at the Huntsman Cancer Institute


Using Livecyte’s high-content imaging and cell analysis in the study of melanocytes

Accurate counting with Beta-RAM and Laura for sensitive radio flow detection


Key innovations improve liquid mixing, reduce dead volume, and prevent gelling

Improved safety with the Hidex 600 OX


The improved Hidex 600 OX Sample Oxidizer features unparalleled safety and higher throughput. Find out more here

Integration, compliance, and data integrity for radio labelled metabolism laboratories


LabLogic’s commitment to continuous software development and integrating market-leading equipment has led to LabLogic providing...

Hidex Sense used for COVID-19 research at University College London


UCL is using the Hidex Sense in at CL3 lab for COVID-19 recovery research, click to find out more.

Enjoy a 5-second read time with the Absorbance 96 plate reader


The Absorbance 96 has a 5-second read time capability with accurate results, click to see the plate reader in action. 

(Video) Hidex Q-ARE automated radionuclide extraction system


Watch the video for the Hidex Q-ARE automated radionuclide extraction system, click to view. 

Tritium in water testing with the Hidex 300 and 600 SL liquid scintillation counters


The Hidex 300 SL and 600 SL liquid scintillation counters have a unique triple PMT detector system ideal for water testing, click to read more.

Got budget left to spend? Take advantage of our end of year discounts


Maximise your remaining budget with us! Find out more about our life sciences discounts... 

LabLogic win Manufacturer of the Year at the Made In Sheffield 2020 Awards


We won our first Made In Sheffield Award at the ceremony last night, click to find out more and see pictures! 

Hidex Sense used to develop COVID-19 testing


The University of Helsinki has developed a rapid PCR test for COVID-19 using the Hidex Sense, click to find out more.

Completing a remote installation for Minute Medical


LabLogic completed a fully remote installation of the nuclear medicine solutions for Minute Medical, click to find out more.

We're attending virtual mmc2021 with Phasefocus


Are you attending virtual mmc2021? We'll be there with Phasefocus! 

Our final Laura webinar is taking place tomorrow


Make sure you're signed up for our final Laura webinar; Data Analysis. 

Using the Hidex 600 SL at the new NNUF RADER laboratories


Click to read about the new 600 SL installed at the new National Nuclear User Facility RADioactive waste Management and Environmental Remediation (NNUF RADER) laboratories. 

Logi-CHROM ONE: Our NEW Integrated all-in-one radio-HPLC system


Find out more about our latest innovation, developed specifically for PET/SPECT quality control.

(Application Note) Phenotypic Profiling of Fission Yeast: A Model Organism


Doing research on fission or budding yeast cells requiring either morphology, proliferation or life-cycle analysis?

Webinar: Advances in incubator microscopy


Learn about advances in incubator microscopy in a zenCELL owl webinar, click to register. 

The complete radiochromatography solution


Beta-RAM 6, Logi-CHROM HPLC and Laura software - the complete radiochromatography solution, click to read more.

Our Laura webinar series continues tomorrow


Are you signed up to learn more about the single point of control solution? Click to learn more. 

Small plate reader, big research: Quadram choose the Absorbance 96 plate reader


The Quadram Institute has chosen the Absorbance 96 for the study and characterisation of model gut bacteria, click to read more.

New A/B standard for LSC developed for Hidex from Eckert & Ziegler


Have confidence and use the same standard as the Hidex production and quality control team prior to shipment, click to read more.

ANNOUNCEMENT! LabLogic Group Rebranding


It’s been a long lockdown… we’ve had a makeover! Click to read more about our new branding. 

See how the Hidex 600 SL is 21 CFR part 11 compliant in our new video


The Hidex 600 SL is the ONLY 21 CFR part 11 compliant liquid scintillation counter, click to read more. 

Don't miss our spring offers on the zenCELL owl!


We're offering huge savings on the zenCELL owl 24-camera microscope for incubators, click to find out more

Are you signed up to our Laura webinar tomorrow?


Missed the second Laura webinar? Sign up to view the recording. 

Hidex, Chevron and LabLogic: A breakthrough for ultra-low level biobased C14 counting


Click to read a new article about using TDCR direct measurement for biofuel with Hidex. 

Missed the first Laura webinar? Catch up now!


Missed the first Laura webinar? Sign up to view the recording. 

The first commercially available gamma counter with sample identification


The Hidex AMG gamma counter now has a sample QR reader, click to learn more.

Chevron develop new radiocarbon analysis method based on LSC


Chevron has developed a new method based on LSC, read the full article. 

Air, water, and swipe samples with the Hidex Triathler at Abraflex in Ontario, Canada


Read our latest customer testimonial about the Hidex Triathler! 

Absorbance 96: Winner of the 2021 German Design Award Gold!


The Absorbance 96 microplate reader has won the 2021 German Design Award Gold, click to read more! 

(Application note) Next Generation Wound Healing Assays with Livecyte


Click to read an application note from Phasefocus about Next Generation Wound Healing Assays, click to download.

Upcoming webinar series: Learn more about Laura


We're hosting a webinar series about Laura - the industry standard radiochromatography system, click to read more. 

Automated live cell imaging: learn more about the zenCELL Owl


Check out our new video for the zenCELL Owl cell imager! 

New Year offers for the Byonoy Absorbance 96


Find out more about our offers for the Byonoy Absorbance 96! 

Active Counting Mode (ACM) for the Beta-RAM detector


A time saving and cost-effective solution to low-level on-line radio detection, click to read more.

The Hidex Sense Filter Wheel and How It Works


Monochromatic and filter based multi-mode microplate readers each have their advantages and disadvantages but the Hidex Sense filter wheel gives the best of both worlds. Find out how.

Prepare your samples with ease


The Hidex 600 OX Oxidizer is a fully automated catalytic combustion system with built in PC ready to tackle your oxidizing sample prep needs. Click to find out more. 

No need to change SOPs with Hidex liquid scintillation counting TDCR technology


Hidex TDCR technology means customers don't ned to change routines or SOPs, click to read more.

Unique high sensitivity with the Logi-CHROM LightGuide flow cell


Get optimised signal to noise ratio with Logi-CHROM, click to read.

The Hidex Sense multi-mode microplate reader is the instrument of choice at the University of Bristol


The Hidex Sense multi-mode microplate reader is the instrument of choice at at the University of Bristol. Click to find out more.

An updated COVID-19 message from our UK offices


In line with the new government guidance, please see our updated message. 

Enhanced dynamic range with the Hidex Sense


The Hidex Sense has always had a dynamic range for each well, click to read in more detail.

Hidex e-book: Liquid Scintillation Measuring Procedures


Stay up to date with the latest developments in liquid scintillation counting, click to read the e-book. 

Your solution to ensuring data integrity for on-line radio detection


The combination of the Beta-RAM 6 and Laura software provides many tools for regulatory compliance, click to read. 

Video: The world's most compact absorbance plate reader


The Absorbance 96 is the world's most compact absorbance reader, click to watch the video introduction. 

How to oxidize your samples with confidence


The Hidex 600 OX Oxidizer is an automated catalytic combustion system used for the preparation of various sample types. Click to find out more. 

Try the zenCELL owl cell imager in your lab


Easily arrange a remote demo and try the zenCELL owl cell imager, click to book. 

Hidex 600 SL used in a 21 CFR part 11 compliant manner


The Hidex 600 SL can now be used with Laura software, click to read more. 

Webinar: Time-Lapse Microscopy of Spheroids with zenCELL owl


Learn more about the zenCELL owl microscope in an upcoming webinar, click to sign up.

Interested in learning more about performing eFate/soil studies in Debra?


Debra LIMS for eFate Webinar: Register your interest.

Learn more about the Hidex Automatic Gamma Counter in a remote demo


Learn more about the Hidex Automatic Gamma Counter in a remote demo, click here to arrange. 

(Video) Changing what's possible in live cell assays with Livecyte


See key applications and measurements available from every Livecyte experiment in the latest video from Phasefocus, click to watch.

How-to video: Hidex 300 SL wipe testing


Watch our new video demonstrating the most common application used for the Hidex 300 SL - wipe testing.

(App note) Automatic cell counting using InCellis


See the new app note from Bertin using the Total Cell Counting App for rapidly calculating live and dead cells. 

Discover the smallest plate reader on the market


We're now working with Byonoy, manufacturer of the Absorbance 96 plate reader, click to read more.

How does the Beta-RAM 6 aid method development?


The Beta-RAM 6 uses unique technology to aid method development for researchers, click to find out more. 

Debra – A LIMS for ADME and Beyond


Read an in-depth analysis of Debra, LabLogic's purpose built LIMS designed specifically to manage the entire life cycle of a range of drug and environmental metabolism studies, click to find out more. 

Webinar: Learn more about InCellis and our new cell imaging systems


Learn more about InCellis and our new cell imaging systems in a webinar, click to sign up. 

Mini Webinar Series: Cell Proliferation & Growth with Livecyte


Sign up to the Cell Proliferation & Growth webinar with Phasefocus. 

Mini Webinar Series: Learn more about the Livecyte system


Sign up to a mini webinar series about the Livecyte cell analysis system by Phasefocus. Click to sign up. 

Studying #COVID19 around the world using the Hidex Sense microplate reader


The Hidex Sense microplate reader has been used around the world to study COVID-19. Click to read more. 

LabLogic announces new partnership with Phasefocus


LabLogic is pleased to announce a new partnership with Phasefocus, click to read more. 

First US install of Hidex Q-ARE 100


The FDA has chosen the Hidex Q-ARE automated radionuclide extraction system. Click to find out why. 

Ensure data integrity with Logi-CHROM HPLC Series


Find out how to ensure your data integrity with Logi-CHROM HPLC Series. Click here to read more. 

New generation Hidex liquid scintillation counters with improved temperature control


Hidex's new generation 300 SL and 600 SL liquid scintillation counters provide improved temperature control. Find out more here.

Introducing the zenCELL owl live cell imager


LabLogic now offer the zenCELL owl, a 24-camera microscope for fast and automated live cell microscopy. Find out more. 

Perform different assays with ease using the Hidex Sense microplate reader


Debbie Fischer and the Division of Pharmacy and Optometry at the University of Manchester are the new owners of the Hidex Sense microplate reader. Find out more. 

A new generation of liquid scintillation counting for A/B separation


Hidex's new generation 300 SL and 600 SL liquid scintillation counters provide high resolution A/B separation. Click to read more. 

WATCH: live cell imaging with the InCellis


The InCellis cell imager from Bertin Instruments provides high-quality cell imaging in real-time. Click to watch.

Watch: Analysis made easy with the Hidex 600 OX Oxidizer


Watch a video about the Hidex 600 OX oxidizer - an entirely computer-controlled automated catalytic combustion unit designed for organic sample preparation. Click here

Hidex multi-mode microplate reader integral to tuberculosis vaccine development


The Hidex Sense Multi-mode microplate reader is contributing to vital research for development in TB vaccines. Read the full story here 

Alpha/beta separation for the Hidex 300 and 600 SL liquid scintillation counters


Alpha/beta separation is clear and simple with the Hidex 300 and 600 SL's MikroWin software, featuring unique topographical 2D separation. FInd out more

Make sure your software is Windows 10 ready


Microsoft is due to end support for Windows 7 early next year, so upgrading to Windows 10 is recommended. Click to read more.

University of Sheffield choose the Hidex Sense microplate reader


University of Sheffield choose the Hidex Sense microplate reader. Click to read why. 

Purify your target radionuclides easily with the Hidex Q-ARE 100


Click here to find out more about the Hidex Q-ARE 100, an advanced automatic extraction chromatography system for radionuclide separation.

The Hidex 300 SL is a global liquid scintillation counter


The Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter has been installed in every continent around the globe. Click to read more. 

The Beta-RAM 6 radio flow detector ensures good peak shape and resolution


The Beta-RAM has been designed with minimal dead volume to guarantee good peak shape and resolution. Read more to discover features which make it above the rest. 

The portable Hidex Triathler liquid scintillation counter gives you fast and accurate field measurements


With its portability and ability to perform complex measurements, The Hidex Triathler is the perfect tool for on-site field or sea measurements. Read more about the Hidex Triathler. 

The new Hidex 600 OX oxidizer allows you to oxidize samples with confidence


The Hidex 600 OX oxidizer is an entirely computer-controlled automated catalytic combustion unit designed for every organic sample preparation. Read more about the Hidex 600 OX oxidizer here.

Save thousands on our cell imager and microplate reader


Huge discounts are now available on our Life Science range. Read more to find out how to save thousands of pounds.

Easily auto printout and compile results with Hidex's MikroWin for liquid scintillation counters


See how you can auto printout and compile your results with the Hidex's MikroWin software. To watch the video click here.

Come along to our London Open Demonstration Day!


Calling all cell culture researchers, microplate reader users, radiation researchers and more! We're hosting an Open Demonstration Day in Central London, register your interest now!

How to count cultured cells in less than a minute


The InCellis cell imager makes counting cultured cells easier than ever before with its new Total Cell Counting application. Click to find out more information. 

A new insight into Debra - the world’s leading metabolism LIMS


Debra has been the industry standard Metabolism LIMS for over 30 years, providing efficiency, study management benefits, and more. Watch the full introduction video here. 

Why the Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter is ideal for radon in water testing


Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology have chosen the Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter (LSC) for its Radon in water (222Rn-H2O) testing. Click here to find out why. 

How to easily perform DNA, RNA, and protein quantification


The Hidex μVolume plate for the Hidex Sense microplate reader is a quick and easy tool for DNA, RNA, and protein assays using photometric measurement and sample volumes down to 2 μL. Click here to read more. 

The Hidex Triathler is ideal for Cardiff University


At Cardiff University, the Hidex Triathler is used for a range of different projects and has been called "student-proof". Click to find out why.

A new era for Laura radiochromatography software


LabLogic is delighted to announce a new version of the world's leading radiochromatography software, Laura 6. Click here to find out more. 

Get to know portable Triathler liquid scintillation counter


A combined liquid scintillation counter and luminometer, the Hidex Triathler can count all radioisotopes including tritium in a variety of sample formats. Click here to read more 

What do you know about the Hidex 600 SL liquid scintillation counter?


The Hidex 600 SL liquid scintillation counter provides TDCR counting with high throughput potential, allowing for the automation of large quantities of samples. Click here to find out more

Save time when measuring cells with the inCellis cell imager


Learn how you can now easily save time when measuring cells with the inCellis cell imager. The new measurement application allows the user to measure cells as they are being observed on the bench. Click to learn more. 

Exclusive Hidex Sense microplate reader discount


Claim your exclusive Hidex Sense microplate reader discount now, before 28th February 2019. Click to find out more

Hidex Sense microplate reader is what the Dr ordered at UEA


The University of East Anglia (UEA) was the first site to chose the Hidex Sense microplate reader in the UK and they have put it through its paces. Click to find out what Dr Charles Brearley had to say about the Sense and why the instrument is "extremely popular" at UEA. 

See the inCellis Cell Imager in action


The inCellis is a powerful instrument with its easy-to-use embedded applications, see the cell imager in action in our new feature video, presented by our product specialist. The inCellis is the ideal instrument to produce publication-quality images of cells for both cell culture and tissue slides. Find out more. 

A solution for offline LSC counting in ADME work


The Hidex Sense Beta microplate reader with Stacker is a perfect instrument for individuals working with Luma plates or Microscint by utilising TR-LSC. The Hidex 600 SL liquid scintillation counter is a high capacity instrument which utilises TDCR technology, improving data quality. Click here to find out more. 

Beta-RAM 6 reaches new heights for peak resolution


Hear what our customer, a US-based Contract Research Organisation, had to say about the Beta-RAM 6 radio flow detector for HPLC. Click to read more.

Fantastic offers for the InCellis cell imager


Learn more about the limited time offers for the InCellis cell imager, running until the end of December, including buy one get one free on fluorescence modules, two free cell culture applications, and free installation and training and more. Read more here

Watch the new Logi-CHROM HPLC series feature video


The Logi-CHROM HPLC series is a compact, versatile, and cost-effective system designed for radiochromatography. The instrument is fully integrated within Laura, LabLogic's industry standard radiochromatography data system. With various detector, pump, and column configurations available, the flexible instrument can suit your laboratories needs. Find out more now. 


Johns Hopkins University choose the Hidex 300SL


John Hopkins University has chosen the Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter. The 300 SL is the most advanced, transportable and user-friendly Liquid scintillation Counter (LSC) on the market. Click here find out more.

Debra - Not just for ADME


Debra Metabolism LIMS has been the industry standard solution to managing the entire life cycle of a range of drug and environmental metabolism studies within an FDA/GLP regulated environment. With over 30 years of development, the system has been adopted by many of the world's leading pharmaceutical, agrochemical and contract research organisations. Click here to find out more. 

HIVIZ purchase Hidex 300 SL


US-based HIVIZ, a gun sights manufacturer, has purchased the revolutionary Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter to allow them to test products before shipping to customers. This has been made possible by the Hidex 300 SL due to its compact size and TDCR technology.

First install of the powerful InCellis cell imager


A Cambridge-based biotech company has paved the way for the InCellis cell imager, a powerful new instrument from Bertin Instruments. The versatile InCellis can easily provide publication quality images, without the need for any kind of dark room. Read more about the installation here. 

The Beta-RAM's IRIS Technology Optimises Sensitivity and Resolution


The latest Beta-RAM model 6 radio flow detector for HPLC offers unrivalled sensitivity, resolution and versatility. Its new IRIS technology saves you time and effort when developing radiochromatography methods and optimises sensitivity and resolution. Find out more here. 

Luminescence Technologies on the Hidex Sense


The Hidex Sense multi-mode microplate reader has the option of performing direct luminescence at up to 10x the sensitivity. Without the need for further tools, the aperture can be minimised within the software, reducing the risk of cross-talk. Read on to learn more. 

A LIMS ideal for Agrochemical and E-Fate studies


Debra, the worlds leading metabolism Laboratory Information Management system is now also ideal for agrochemical and environmental fate (E-Fate) studies. Helping your lab to achieve productivity goals and GLP confidence, whilst avoiding transcription errors. Find out more. 

A Cell Imager That Has Been Validated by Scientists


The InCellis next generation cell imager produces publication-quality images of cells on numerous platforms, and has been approved and validated by scientists. Utilising a unique low light CMOS Sensor, the InCellis achieves 3x the sensitivity in fluorescence. Read on to learn more. 

Veteran Affairs Medical Centers Select the Full Hidex Range


Veteran Affairs Medical Center's across the USA are selecting the Hidex range of instruments for their research, including the Hidex Sense multi-mode microplate reader, and the Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter. Find out more. 

Watch our new 600 SL liquid scintillation counter feature video


Introducing the Hidex 600 SL automatic liquid scintillation counter. A high throughput LSC with robust and proven TDCR technology and a high capacity racking system. Watch the video to find out more. 

Hidex 300 SL paves the way for groundbreaking obesity research


Boston University School of Medicine's Obesity Research Centre has carried out research using the 300 SL Liquid Scintillation Counter investigating the role of the autoimmune response in the development of Type 1 diabetes. Find out more. 

LSC Minimised and Automated on the Hidex Sense Multi-mode Microplate Reader


The Hidex Sense multi-mode microplate reader has now been incorporated with the K Biosystems stacker to make liquid scintillation counting more efficient by having higher throughput, reduced handling and lower reagent usage. Find out more.

An Effective Solution to Data Integrity Issues


LabLogic's Laura radiochromatography software is ideal for metabolite profiling, quality control, compound purification and other chromatography tasks. Purpose-built to meet the relevant regulatory requirements, learn how Laura can be an effective radiochromatography solution for your controlled laboratory environment.

The French language version of our website is now available


LabLogic have operated in France for many years, supplying instruments and software to the nuclear medicine and life science sectors. To enhance our customer's experience, we have recently launched a French language version of our website.

Optimise Sensitivity and Resolution with the Beta-RAM's New IRIS Technology


The new IRIS technology in the Beta-RAM model 6 allows users to optimise sensitivity and resolution by making a range of cell volumes available dynamically, without the need to change the flow cell. Find out more. 

Why Filters Produce the Best Results Using the Hidex Sense.


An extended optical filter set which covers the majority of the spectrum, and has been optimised for commercially available dyes, can produce the best results using the Hidex Sense luminescence microplate reader. Find out why.

The 300SL/600SL’s unique triple PMT detector system can help assess a false-positive from true radioactivity


The 300SL/600SL’s unique triple PMT detector system can help assess a false-positive from true radioactivity.

Check out our new Hidex 300SL video


Watch our new 300SL video demonstration by a product specialist, showcasing some advantages to this powerful LSC

Introducing the InCellis...


An introduction to InCellis; the new generation of cell imager from Bertin Instruments

Introducing the next generation flow detector for radio-HPLC


After over 30 years of development, the new Beta-RAM Model 6 to raises the bar for radiochromatographers, click here to read more about the story. 

Environmental Chambers & the Hidex Sense Microplate Reader


LabLogic have teamed up with Don Whitley Scientific to fit the Hidex Sense Microplate Reader inside their environmental chambers. 

Gas Control for the Hidex Sense Microplate Reader


The gas control option works to lower gas consumption and reach optimal conditions at a faster rate. 

Have you seen the Hidex Triathler in action?


Watch our new demonstration of the Hidex Triathler, a powerful and versatile single sample counter, with a range of advanced features...

Spectrograph - more than just absorbance


The Hidex Sense's spectrograph provides the full wavelength spectrum within a fraction of the time.

300 SL cited in key cancer research by Northeastern University


The 300 SL used in cancer research to discover that  the small GTPases K-Ras, N-Ras and H-Ras have distinct biochemical properties determined by allosteric effects

ELISA Assays Reinvented at Leicester University


The Hidex Sense used by Leicester University to develop novel formats of "pseudo"-ELISA assays utilising the spectrograph mechanism.

See the new Beta-RAM 6 at the IIS-CED meeting in Bad Soden


LabLogic will be exhibiting at the forthcoming 23rd Workshop of the International Isotope Society – Central European Division -  in Bad Soden, Germany from the 7th to the 8th September 2017.

Brookhaven National Laboratory proves that the Hidex Sense spectrograph is the way forward


Metal ion analysis within the Collider Accelerator Department of Brookhaven National Laboratory proved that the Hidex Sense's Spectrograph does the job.

See us at the Health Physics Society 62nd Annual Meeting


LabLogic will be exhibiting on booth #311 at the forthcoming Health Physics Society 62nd Annual Meeting in Raleigh from the 10th - 12th July 2017.

Making light work of metabolic experiments


A Cambridge physiology research group using the Hidex 300 SL liquid scintillation counter recently published a paper detailing the effects of a high sugar and fat diets on the metabolism of the mother and foetus in pregnant mice.

See the new Beta-RAM 6 at the 14th European ISSX Meeting in Köln


LabLogic will be exhibiting together with Hidex at the forthcoming 14th European ISSX Meeting in Köln, Germany from the 26th to the 29th June.

See us at PRION 2017


LabLogic will be exhibiting at PRION 2017, the International Conference Deciphering Neurodegenerative Disorders, which is being held in Edinburgh from the 23rd to the 26th May.

LabLogic launches a new initiative to support customers in France


We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dave Johnson, who will be providing technical and commercial support to our French distributor, ScienceTec.

12th Annual Great Lakes DMDG Meeting


LabLogic will be exhibiting at the 12th Annual Great Lakes DMDG Meeting in Kalamazoo on the 4th and 5th May 2017.

Wilma set to take the stage at LSC 2017 in Copenhagen


LabLogic will be exhibiting at LSC 2017 in Copehagen from the 1st to 5th May 2017.

See us at the BNA 2017 Festival of Neuroscience


LabLogic will be exhibiting at the BNA 2017 Festival of Neuroscience in Birmingham from the 10th – 13th April.

Take a trip to the UK City of Culture 2017


LabLogic will be exhibiting at the University BioSciences Managers Association (UBMA) Conference in Hull on the 6th and 7th April.

Research & Innovation 2017


LabLogic will be exhibiting at the forthcoming ELRIG 5th Annual Research & Innovation Meeting in Cambridge on the 29th and 30th March.

See us at the 2017 Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference


Lablogic will be exhibiting at the 2017 Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference in Aberdeen on the 14th and 15th March.

RTP-DMG 2017 Winter Symposium


LabLogic will be exhibiting at the RTP-DMDG 2017 Winter Symposium, The Solutions Center, Research Triangle Park, Durham, on the 7th March.

NCHPS 2017 Spring Meeting


Lablogic will be exhibiting at the NCHPS Spring Meeting in Carolina Beach on the 2nd and 3rd March.

See us at the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute 2017 Annual Meeting


Lablogic will be exhibiting at the Cambridge Stem Cell Institute 2017 Annual Meeting on the 23rd and 24th February.

Debra 6.3.1 Release


LabLogic are pleased to announce the latest version 6.3.1 has just been released.

The Hidex Sense with automated stacker - helping both you and your lab achieve more


LabLogic and Hidex will be demonstrating the Sense muti-technology microplate reader and automated stacker at the forthcoming SLAS 2017 International Conference and Exhibition in Washington DC, 6th - 8th February 2017.

See us at the HPS 50th Midyear Meeting in Bethesda


LabLogic will be exhibiting on booth #316 at the forthcoming Health Physics Society 50th Midyear Meeting in Bethesda from the 22nd - 25th January 2017.

Out of this world


To the casual observer the angled lines of the Hidex 300 SL could be said to give it a slightly futuristic look. However, it was more than its space-age aesthetical appeal which attracted one of NASA’s key service providers to acquire one recently.

See the Sense demonstrated at Synthetic Biology UK 2016


LabLogic will be exhibiting at Synthetic Biology UK 2016 in Edinburgh from  the 14th to the 16th November.

LabLogic to exhibit at the 25th International Isotope Society (UK Group) Symposium


LabLogic will be exhibiting at the 25th International Isotope Society (UK Group) Symposium in Cambridge on the 11th November.

Sense-ational end of year offer!


You may be interested to know that we currently have a very special offer on this instrument. For a limited time we will supply a FREE full range supplementary filter set with any Sense multi-technology microplate reader purchase.

Superior Alpha/Beta separation in LSC


The Hidex 300 SL's alpha/beta separation qualities are significantly enhanced when using Aqualight AB cocktail rather than Ultima Gold AB, leading to 0% misclassification.

The Triathler – helping to maintain a clear line of sight


The Hidex Triathler can be called upon to provide fast and reliable results for a whole host of applications. Although mainly used in the life science and environmental sectors, the instrument’s capabilities are also well suited for testing manufactured products.

LabLogic to exhibit at Drug Discovery 2016


LabLogic will be demonstrating the Sense at ELRIG Drug Discoery 2016 in Liverpool from the 13th - 14th October.

The new PED+ from Tracerco


This compact personal dosimeter from Tracerco has plenty of novel features, that make it more than just a standard EPD. For example:

A change of venue


LabLogic will be exhibiting at the 22nd Workshop of the IIS-CED in Frankfurt from the 6th - 7th October.

Slimming down liquid scintillation


Many research departments are facing the prospect of replacing an old generation of liquid scintillation counters. These counters have been bought in the heyday of open source work, where high throughputs were key. Now these large, cumbersome machines need to be replaced, and there is an opportunity to free up valuable lab space in the process.

New fast throughput LSC


The new 600 SL is already meeting the needs of labs across a whole range of sectors, from government to pharmaceuticals and contract research organisations. Indeed, since its launch earlier this year 600 SL's have been installed at a number of companies including the National Institute of Health, Bristol Meyers Squibb and Smithers Viscient.

LabLogic to exhibit at ICRM-LLRMT in Seattle


LabLogic will be exhibiting at the ICRM-LLRMT 2016 in Seattle from the 26th to the 30th September.

Extended load sample capacity and queuing all in one instrument


Designed for high sample load capacity required in centralised laboratories, the Hidex 600 SL high throughput automatic TDCR liquid scintillation counter offers extended load sample capacity and queuing all in one instrument. 

300 SL with alpha beta separation illustrates the point perfectly


LabLogic recently carried out a wipe test for Xofigo® contamination at New York's Long Island Jewish Hospital.

Debra's 'topical' study type


Whether you are performing dermal skin studies or applying compounds to soil or crops, Debra 6.3 now has a 'topical' study type with convertible dose units ranging from ng/cm3 to g/m3 up to kg/ha.

A new release of Laura v4.2.11.129 is now available


In this release functionality has been added for evaluation and data analysis.

Using the Hidex/Okolab gas controller unit in conjunction with the Sense


The environmental control system for the Hidex Sense uses an external digital gas flow control unit to manipulate the atmosphere in the chamber of the microplate reader. 

Undertaking chromium assays with the Hidex Sense Beta Plus


Supporting all common scintillation assays and plates, such as LumaPlate®, filter plates, e.g. UniFilter™, Filtermats, FlashPlates®, Solid scintillators, e.g. MeltiLex® and Scintillation Proximity Assays, the Hidex Sense Beta Plus is a perfect platform for live cell studies. The Nichols laboratory, part of a major hospital in Memphis, recently purchased a Sense and has been using it extensively in their research work.

Supporting the health care providers who do such great work on behalf of America's Veterans


LabLogic recently supplied Hidex instruments to two key departments at the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center.

All change at Harvard


Harvard University, one of the most famous educational establishments in the world, recently took delivery of three Hidex 300 SL Liquid Scintillation Counters.

We did it again!


The Hidex Sense recently scooped the coveted Technology Award for the second year running at the ELRIG Research & Innovation 2016 event in Nottingham.

Taking liquid scintillation counting to a new level


Designed to meet the needs of laboratories processing large quantities of samples, the new Hidex 600 SL is a high throughput automatic TDCR liquid scintillation counter which allows samples to be loaded and left queuing.

Debra 6.3 Release


The 6.3 version of Debra will be released in Feburary with a number of new features including: Audited and versioned rich text comments, new topical dose study types, TRR calculations, extraction tree comments and enhanced links.

Laura LSC import function


Laura software can be used to import and analyse the data from off-line systems such as Liquid Scintillation Counters and Plate Readers producing a chromatogram which can be integrated and the data extracted in the same way as it can for direct data counted from the B-RAM radio flow detector.

Setting the standard for the accurate measurement of samples containing low level positron emitters


Positrons are of increasing interest, not only because of clinical use in PET, but also in animal and human metabolism profiling. However, unlike PET QC measurement, the samples derived from metabolic studies are of very low level, due to the time taken to synthesize complex molecules and the duration of biological chemistry. This is where LabLogic’s Posi-RAM is in its element. Specifically designed to detect and measure these low level metabolites, it sets the standard in its field.

Hidex Triathler – The essential tool for RPA’s


Compact, lightweight and easy to set up, Triathler is perfect for RPA’s tasked with undertaking wipe tests on the go. It provides fast and accurate results, counting all radioisotopes including Tritium, indeed it is suitable for just about any beta and gamma radiation application and accepts most types of vials and sample formats.

Automate your assays with ease


Besides all common non-radiometric detection technologies, the Hidex Sense can uniquely perform Liquid Scintillation Counting assays - combine this with the PAA BiNEDx robotic loader and you save your laboratory time and money.

Creating the perfect environment


LabLogic are working together with Don Whitley Scientific to provide Hidex Sense users with the opportunity to operate their instrument in a perfectly controlled environment.

Providing the finishing touch to the MIDAS Centre


The University of Sheffield recently acquired a Hidex 300 SL for its new state-of-the-art advanced nuclear materials research facility, the MIDAS Centre.

Next release of Debra 6.3 to be previewed at the ISSX and AAPS conferences in Orlando


The forthcoming ISSX and AAPS conferences in Orlando, Florida will give the first preview of the next release of Debra 6.3 which is due to be available to customers at the turn of the year.

Sense-ational Offer


If you use microplate readers, then listen up. We have a sensational offer on a high performance multi-mode plate reader.

Great design that works on every level


The Hidex 300 SL is a fine example of design and functionality working in perfect harmony, making it the ideal choice for the modern laboratory environment. Such is the case at the City University of New York’s Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC) where one has recently been installed.

NEW Eppendorf Adaptor available for the Sense


To analyse larger volumes for scintillation counting the Hidex Sense is now available with an Eppendorf plate adaptor.

It's show time


LabLogic have exhibited at more than 50 events so far this year, showcasing the company’s products to the scientific community across Europe and the United States. On occasions this has led to some formal recognition, such as an award for best product or presentation. Indeed, LabLogic recently scooped the Technology Prize at ELRIG’s Research & Innovation show in Nottingham. Now the company has achieved success again, this time at the Georgetown University BioResearch Product Faire in Washington.

Sense now HTRF certified


The Hidex Sense is now a validated reader of Cisbio's HTRF® technology.

Triathler meets the needs of Bristol University


Bristol University's Hidex Triathler, which was installed recently in their Interface Analysis Centre, is already proving its worth.

The Hidex Sense – now DLReady™


The Hidex Sense has recently been declared DLReady™ following a successful validation by Promega Corporation.

It's not just the winning


The Hidex Sense came out on top at the recent ELRIG Research & Innovation 2015 meeting in Nottingham, winning the event's Technology Prize following a vote by delegates.

LabLogic’s latest release of Debra


LabLogic is pleased to announce the latest release of the industry standard LIMS for radiolabelled metabolism studies, Debra.

The most sensitive plate based Luminometer


The Hidex Sense provides users with up to 10 times more sensitivity than other common plate readers.

NEW Hidex AMG Automatic Gamma Counter


If you're in the market for a Gamma Counter, look no further than the brand NEW Hidex AMG Automatic Gamma Counter.

Free Radhound with every 300 SL


As a one off promotion LabLogic are offering a free Radhound radiation monitor with every 300 SL ordered before April 2015.

Customers delighted with the Sense


At the beginning of the year the Hidex Sense was first sold in the UK and judging by the recent feedback it is proving to be a big hit.

Helping to preserve the aviation heritage of the United States


The National Air and Space Museum – the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly which is part of the esteemed Smithsonian Institute - recently took delivery of a Hidex 300 SL Liquid Scintillation Counter to help them in their restoration work.

LabLogic to exhibit at joint ISSX/JSSX meeting


LabLogic will be exhibiting at the joint 19th North American International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics Meeting and 29th Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics Meeting in San Francisco between the 19th and 23rd October 2014.

LabLogic visit China for DMPK Symposium


LabLogic recently exhibited at the 2014 International DMPK Symposium in southern China. The event, hosted by XBL China, and held in the city of Nanjing is the first event of its kind that LabLogic have attended in the country.

Success at the Yorkshire International Trade Awards


Shortlisted in two categories at the recent Yorkshire International Trade Awards, LabLogic proudly lifted the trophy for Technology Provider and came close to scooping another award to go along with it.

LabLogic shortlisted for two Yorkshire International Trade Awards


LabLogic have been nominated in both the healthcare and technology categories for this year's Yorkshire International Trade Awards.

Seescan on show in Barcelona


LabLogic will be presenting at the forthcoming 10th European Society for Autoradiography Meeting & Workshop in Barcelona (12-14 May). On show will be the latest 2.1.4 release of Seescan, LabLogic's software for quantitative Whole Body Autoradiography (WBA) which has been fully tested on the latest Windows 7 and Oracle 11 platforms and integrates with the updated Debra 6.

Latest Debra release incorporates a new module for environmental fate studies


For users of Debra who are looking more at environmental fate studies, the latest Debra 6.1 release incorporates the previously standalone system Trace as part of its core functionality.

Keeping it flowing...


PerkinElmer's decision to discontinue their Flow Scintillation Analysers has put the spotlight firmly on the LabLogic B-RAM 5, which is an ideal replacement for the soon to be obsolete PerkinElmer units. Indeed, having supplied software for many years to PerkinElmer for use in their Flow Scintillation Analysers, LabLogic is well placed to offer support to users who wish to either continue operating their existing equipment or upgrade to a new system.

Experience and Expertise – John Mather brings his own particular brand of it to LabLogic


John Mather is no stranger to the world of PET pharmaceutical production. Indeed, in his new role with LabLogic he will be drawing on his extensive experience in this field to offer expert advice to customers operating within this expanding sector of the healthcare market.

Certara partners With LabLogic Systems to facilitate faster drug discovery analyses


Customers can now import ADME and protein-binding data directly from Debra to Phoenix

Certara™, a leading provider of software and scientific consulting services to improve productivity and decision-making from drug discovery through drug development, has announced that it has partnered with LabLogic Systems to integrate Certara’s Phoenix® WinNonlin® pharmacokinetic (PK)/pharmacodynamic (PD) modeling and non-compartmental analysis product with LabLogic’s Debra™ Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). Debra is used to manage data from absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) and protein-binding studies. The resulting solution, allows customers who are using Debra 6 as their LIMS for drug metabolism studies, to push their data directly into Phoenix WinNonlin.

Using the new Hidex Sense Microplate Reader to detect metal ions


Brookhaven National Laboratory, a multi-purpose research institution with close links to the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science, has recently been evaluating the Hidex Sense Microplate Reader’s ability to detect metal ions such as Cu, Ni, Co, Zn and Fe.

Tracerco radiation monitors - a range of instruments to meet the challenge of monitoring large facilities


The Tracerco range of monitors is proving extremely useful for RPO’s who are responsible for providing coverage of large sites with a range of differing requirements, such as academic institutions. LabLogic work closely with a number of universities throughout the UK providing radiation monitoring solutions and in many cases recommend the Tracerco range.

The Hidex Triathler from LabLogic. Fast, accurate results on the spot.


The Hidex Triathler is a single sample counter which provides fast and accurate results on the spot. Suitable for a range of applications from life science research to environmental monitoring it is equally at home as a benchtop instrument in the laboratory or out on-site.

QPS implements DEBRA LIMS for Radiolabelled Metabolism Studies


QPS a leading preclinical and clinical CRO, has now fully validated LabLogic Debra version 6.0.6 for use in radiolabelled metabolism studies. An earlier version was implemented in 2010 to support discovery stage radiolabel ADME studies. The implementation of Debra LIMS coupled with the recent addition of a high resolution mass spectrometer (HRMS) ensures rapid integration of radioactivity data from mass balance excretion and/or quantitative whole-body autoradiography (QWBA) studies with metabolite identification and radio-quantitation to shorten timelines in support of preclinical and human mass balance studies.

Debra 6.1 set to make its debut at the SETAC Europe show in Glasgow


LabLogic’s latest addition to the Debra platform will be on show at the forthcoming Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe), 23rd Annual Meeting in Glasgow from 12th – 16th May 2013.

Experimental Biology 2013


LabLogic are currently exhibiting at Experimental Biology 2013 which is taking place at the Boston Convention & Exposition Center, from the 21st - 23rd April 2013.



LabLogic will be exhibiting a range of products for research applications at the forthcoming New England Drug Metabolism Discussion Group and ISSX Workshop which is due to take place in Cambridge, USA from the 17th - 19th April 2013.

ISO 9001 is awarded to LabLogic, Inc.


ISO 9001, the internationally recognised standard for the quality management of businesses has recently been awarded to LabLogic, Inc.

It's all about chemistry


LabLogic will be attending the 245th Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society’'s Exposition in New Orleans between the 7th and 9th April 2013.

Introducing the brand new Hidex Sense Microplate Reader


Hidex, the producers of the Chameleon V plate reader and the 300 SL Liquid Scintillation Counter, have been hard at work creating a revolutionary design for their next-generation plate reader: the Hidex Sense.

That winning feeling...


It was a very successful evening for LabLogic at the recent Sheffield Chamber of Commerce Business Awards.

Promising first year for Debra 6


One year on since the launch of Debra 6, LabLogic are pleased to report that 3 sites have upgraded to the latest release with another brand new customer and several additional sites currently evaluating the system with a view to upgrading early this year.

Whatever your discipline, there is a liquid scintillation counter in the 300 SL range to suit every need


Working in life science research, radiochemistry or radiation protection? Then the standard model 300 SL is the perfect solution. Compact, lightweight and easily integrated into small laboratories this model offers optimum counting efficiency of samples without any external or internal standard source of radioactivity.

Count on LabLogic for great offers


LabLogic has a range of end-of-year special offers for customers looking to source new instruments during the course of the next couple of months.

The Chameleon V - the most sensitive microplate luminometer on the market


Researchers using luminescence for their research applications will find all their needs met by the most sensitive microplate luminometer on the market - the Chameleon V from LabLogic Systems. Its super sensitive luminescence detection function provides fast and robust data, making the Chameleon V an ideal choice.

The new Hidex 300 SL Super Low Level Scintillation Counter is now available from LabLogic


Scintillation counting is widely used with challenging low energy beta isotopes and difficult to measure alpha isotopes. Environmental samples, biofuel verification, micro dosing, these are just a few of the application examples where extremely low level activities need to be detected.

Charles River upgrade to the latest LabLogic Debra software


LabLogic, a leading provider of drug metabolism LIMS and radiochromatography solutions has announced today that Charles River has upgraded to Debra version 5.7.10 for its radiolabelled mammalian metabolism and environmental fate studies. Charles River has been using LabLogic’s software for over 13 years for the management of all chemicals and pharmaceutical ADME studies. This upgrade follows on from the recent upgrade of the chromatographic system Laura to version 4.1.4.

300 SL Liquid Scintillation Counter meets the needs of Boston University Medical Center


One of LabLogic’s 300 SL Liquid Scintillation Counters is in regular use as a core instrument by staff at the Boston University Medical Center.

Quotient upgrade to the latest LabLogic software


LabLogic is pleased to announce that Quotient Bioresearch has upgraded to the latest Debra version 5.7.10 and Laura version 4.1.3 platforms for its radiolabelled metabolism studies and radiochromatography work.

Debra 6 on show at the Society of Toxicology 51st Annual Meeting


Members of LabLogic’s software development team will be in Booth 700 at the Society of Toxicology's 51st Annual Meeting (San Francisco 11-15 March) to demonstrate the advantages of Debra 6

BASF shows sensitivity of LabLogic's Active Counting Mode


Experiments carried out by the Agricultural Products Division of BASF have confirmed the superior performance of LabLogic Systems'’ Beta-RAM 5 radio-detector when used in the new Active Counting Mode (ACM).

New agent in Korea for radiochromatography and nuclear medicine


LabLogic Systems, the UK-based global specialist in software and hardware for radiochromatography and nuclear medicine, has increased its presence on the Pacific Rim by appointing a representative in Korea.

Portable counter can measure PET isotopes and detect radioactive contamination


The Triathler portable single-well counter from LabLogic Systems, which offers liquid scintillation counting, gamma counting and detecting luminescence as standard, can be used for an even wider range of niche lab-based applications using appropriate optional accessories.

Liquid scintillation counter can handle up to eight sample trays


LabLogic'’s 300SL liquid scintillation counter is now available with a high throughput sample stacker capable of loading and unloading up to 8 sample trays automatically, giving the counter a capacity of up to 768 vials.


December offers have something special for everyone


LabLogic Systems is completing 2011 with its customary string of end-of-year special offers for those buying in December.

Software demonstrations made easy


LabLogic Systems has made it easier than ever to see demonstrations of its software for drug metabolism, PET and radio-chemistry.

Microplate reader can be customised for fluorescence and luminescence


Researchers using fluorescence and/or luminescence for bio-analysis will find all their needs met by the most versatile multilabel microplate reader on the market - the Chameleon V from LabLogic Systems.

New version of ADME LIMS to be unveiled at AAPS meeting


LabLogic Systems will launch Version 6 of its Debra LIMS for drug metabolism studies at the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists 2011 Annual Meeting and Exposition in Washington DC from 23 to 27 October.

Mid-sized gamma counters now available in the UK


Gamma counters used in hundreds of nuclear medicine and research laboratories around the world are now available in the UK for the first time, from LabLogic Systems.

LabLogic Systems acquires Southern Scientific


Radiochromatography and nuclear medicine specialist LabLogic Systems has announced the acquisition of West Sussex-based Southern Scientific, which manufactures and supplies radiation measurement, detection and analytical systems for the nuclear industry, hospitals and research.

LabLogic products now available in Colombia


The latest addition to LabLogic Systems' world-wide network of agents is Andina de Tecnologías, which is representing the company in Colombia.

New catalogue has more radiation counting products than ever


LabLogic Systems has expanded its range of consumables and safety products for counting radiation in the laboratory.

Laura 4.1.3 makes chromatograms clearer and background subtraction easier


The new 4.1.3 release of LabLogic’'s industry-standard radiochromatography system Laura brings users a host of new features to help chromatographers interpret and report results, and support for more than twenty additional instruments.

Liquid scintillation counter swap kept the customer happy


When teething troubles with a new 300SL liquid scintillation counter at the University of Dundee proved difficult to eliminate, supplier LabLogic Systems didn’t hesitate about replacing it with another.

LabLogic strengthens distributor network


Radiochromatography and nuclear medicine professionals in Spain, the Czech Republic and Singapore now have local access to software and instrumentation from LabLogic Systems following the appointment of new distributors.

LabLogic helps ensure REACH chemical fate requirements are met


Since June 2007, the EU regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances (REACH) has imposed on manufacturers of all chemical products an obligation to identify their human health and environmental risks to ensure that they are manufactured and used safely.

Debra LIMS featured in CRO data management debate


A user of LabLogic’'s Debra drug metabolism LIMS has contributed to an article in the February/March 2011 issue of ‘Scientific Computing World’ magazine on the subject of flexible data management solutions for contract laboratories.

ADME LIMS on show at Society of Toxicology 50th anniversary meeting


Experts from LabLogic Systems will be at the Society of Toxicology’s 50th anniversary meeting to explain the advantages of Debra, the LIMS that has been setting the standards for drug metabolism and ADME for almost two decades.

Counters for liquid scintillation (and more) increase market share


Researchers using liquid scintillation counting to measure radiation from beta-emitting nuclides are favouring instruments from LabLogic Systems in circumstances where versatility or a high degree of resolution is required.

A modern and innovative Liquid Scintillation Counter on display at the HPS Mid-Year Topical Meeting in Charleston, SC


LabLogic Systems is proudly displaying the new 300SL Liquid Scintillation Counter at the 44th HPS Mid-Year Topical Meeting on Radiation Measurements held on February 7th-9th in Charleston, South Carolina, USA.

LabLogic focuses on user needs


says pharma researcher

Beta-RAM and Laura are the 'green' team for radio-chromatography


The combination of LabLogic's new Model 5 Beta-RAM radio-HPLC on-line flow detector and Laura 4 radio-chromatography software can dramatically reduce waste.

Liquid scintillation counter is accurate for 80:1 samples


New metabolic research laboratory selects the 300SL automatic liquid scintillation counter from LabLogic Systems to achieve outstanding resolution on Tritium:C14 dual labelled samples that other instruments were unable to count accurately.

Buy LabLogic instruments before 2011 and save


'End-of-year' offers across the LabLogic Systems range are helping customers to future-proof their instrumentation at a lower price - and beat the January VAT increase if they are in the UK.

LabLogic User Meeting 2010 - a successful and enjoyable event


The 2010 User Meeting was well attended by a good variety of different customers from all over Europe, paving the way for lively discussions, very helpful suggestions and interactive training sessions.

Radiochromatography software aids phospholipid study


The Paterson Institute for Cancer Research at the UK'’s University of Manchester is successfully using LabLogic’'s Laura 4 software to control all the components of its radiochromatography facility.

ADME LIMS will accelerate data reporting at QPS


The newest customer for Debra, LabLogic’s LIMS for absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion studies (ADME), is GLP/GCP-compliant contract research organisation QPS, which recently installed the latest 5.7.8 version at its Newark, DE facility.

Innovative, compact and affordable radio-HPLC detector for PET and SPECT


LabLogic’'s innovative Flow-RAM is a gamma radio-HPLC detector specifically developed for PET and SPECT applications - the company’'s response to five years’ feedback from customers in PET centres and nuclear medicine departments.

Scintillation cocktail has 1:1 uptake and high counting efficiency


SafeScint 1:1 from LabLogic Systems is a scintillation cocktail for discrete sample counting that ticks every box on the radiochromatographer’s wish list - a biodegradable formulation combining outstanding counting efficiency with a high sample uptake cap

See (and read about) Beta-RAM 5 radio detector at ISSX Meeting


LabLogic Systems is exhibiting and presenting at the 9th International Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX) in Istanbul, Turkey (4th - 8th September 2010).

IN/US Systems re-branded as LabLogic


LabLogic is pleased to announce that IN/US Systems, Inc., manufacturer of the Beta-RAM radio detector, has changed its name to LabLogic Systems, Inc., bringing it into line with radio-chromatography software specialist LabLogic Systems Ltd.

Radiation counter gives immediate results at emergencies


The Triathler portable radiation counter from LabLogic Systems gives accurate on-the-spot readings that could save lives in an emergency response situation.

Microplate reader gives good data for leukaemia research


The Centre of Excellence for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research at Cardiff University’'s Department of Haematology has given some very positive feedback about its Chameleon V bench top microplate reader from LabLogic Systems.

Transatlantic CRO adopts common radio-labelled ADME platform


A US/UK contract research laboratory is standardising on Debra 5.7.8, the latest release of LabLogic’'s drug metabolism LIMS, as a common platform for its radio-labelled ADME studies.

New LabLogic office is well named


LabLogic System's office in Bath has moved to a new and bigger location that provides an improved working environment, more room for instrument testing and scope for future expansion.

New version of top radiochromatography software released


Scientific software company LabLogic Systems has released the first major revision of its industry-leading radiochromatography software, Laura 4.

LSC counter a hit with cell biologists


Staff at the University of Newcastle'’s Centre for Bacterial Cell Biology are finding their new Hidex 300SL bench-top liquid scintillation counter from LabLogic Systems easy to use - even for beginners.

Big pharma will benefit from new ADME LIMS


A 'Top 10' pharmaceutical company is one of the first to implement Debra 5.7.7, the latest release of LabLogic Systems’ LIMS for drug metabolism studies.

The 2010 LabLogic User Meeting is announced


We are pleased to announce that the 2010 LabLogic User Meeting will take place on 19th & 20th October.

Latest release makes drug metabolism LIMS even easier to use


Greater flexibility in reporting data and additional features requested by users predominate in the new 5.7.7 release of Debra, LabLogic Systems’ market-leading LIMS for ADME studies.

Sample tracking software does it your way


LabLogic Systems has designed its Stacy sample tracking and stock control software to match the user’s circumstances as closely as possible.

University collaborating with LabLogic on new radio-HPLC detector


LabLogic Systems has entered into a two-year research partnership with the Physics and Astronomy Department at the UK’'s University of Sheffield to develop the next generation of its β-RAM radio-HPLC flow-through detector.

Get a complete LSC package at an incomplete price


LabLogic Systems is giving life science researchers and radiation protection professionals the opportunity to update their facilities for liquid scintillation counting (at the bench or further afield) for much less than the usual cost.

Plate reader is the best available - with something extra till April


The Chameleon V plate reader from LabLogic Systems is the most sensitive and versatile on the market - a compact and modular platform on which both radiometric and non-radiometric assays can be carried out with equal ease.

New LIMS module fast-tracks metabolism study reporting


Scientists seeking to profile the metabolism of radio-labelled compounds need to summarise their chromatography data in many ways - by comparing species differences or dose routes, for example, or by viewing the metabolism of the compound over time.

New radio-HPLC detector off to a flying start


LabLogic Systems reports an enthusiastic response from pharmaceutical development companies and contract research organisations to the new Beta-RAM 5 radio-HPLC flow-through detector.

Latest radiochromatography software has it all under control


Release 4.0.5 of LabLogic Systems’ Laura radiochromatography software brings together all the improvements and innovations of the last twelve months - more than 150 in total.

Buy a counter, get a free radiation monitor


Until the end of 2009, LabLogic Systems is offering a free Geiger Muller radiation contamination monitor complete with source calibration certificate with all orders for its Triathler portable LSC / luminometer / gamma counter.

Radio-HPLC detector price slashed till year-end


Until the end of 2009 LabLogic Systems is selling its BetaRAM 4 radio-HPLC flow-through detector at a discounted price - on a strictly 'first come, first served' basis.

LabLogic Systems appoints representative in France


Radiochromatography specialist LabLogic Systems has appointed Bernard Sellier to sell its software and instrumentation in France.

New ADME LIMS release makes protein binding easier


Debra 5.7.6, the latest release of LabLogic’s LIMS for drug metabolism studies, implements more than 70 modifications.

LabLogic donation just the job for Sheffield kids' charity


Sheffield-based Amy’'s Retreat is the latest charity to benefit from an unusual Employee of The Month scheme operated by local drug research software and equipment company LabLogic Systems.

LabLogic maximises searchability of pharma's LIMS


LabLogic Systems has helped a major biopharmaceutical company to create a Pipeline Pilot reporting tool that can query for study data held in its Debra drug metabolism LIMS and deliver a customised report in a form that is meaningful to users.

Pharma chooses stop-flow for greater radio-HPLC accuracy


A recent order received by LabLogic Systems shows that radiochromatographers see its stop-flow controller SoFie as an essential component of an effective radio-HPLC system.

Radio-HPLC detector demo shows peaks in real time


Chromatographers wanting to see the latest in radio-HPLC flow-through detection should book their place on LabLogic Systems' demonstration tour for the new Model 5 Beta-RAM.

Drug metabolism LIMS in demand for clinical studies


LabLogic Systems reports a rapid rise in the number of clinical studies being performed using its drug metabolism LIMS Debra.

Microplate reader offered with free temperature controller


Until the end of July, anyone buying a Chameleon V microplate reader from LabLogic Systems will receive a free temperature control unit worth £690.

Laura 4 news - Agilent fraction collectors now supported""


Laura 4, the latest evolution of the industry standard radio chromatography software system now supports Agilent fraction collectors.

Tracking radioactive waste from reactor decommissioning


Sample tracking software from LabLogic Systems is assisting in the decommissioning of the UK’'s only civilian research nuclear reactor.

User groups make the transatlantic crossing


Metabolism scientists and radiochemists will be comparing experiences of LabLogic and IN/US products on two different continents in 2009.

Announcing the 2009 LabLogic-IN/US User Meetings


LabLogic will host European and American user group meetings in 2009.

New counting mode significantly improves radiochromatography detection limits


The unique, new Active Counting Mode from LabLogic Systems gives radiochromatographers unrivalled limits of detection for the analysis of low level samples - and in the same timeframe as a conventional flow-through run.

Is your LIMS working hard enough?


Pharmaceutical industry researchers grappling with the implications of recent staff cutbacks need to make sure that their software systems are contributing fully to the task of getting more results from fewer resources.

New radio-HPLC detector makes Fast LC easy


Introducing the new Model 5 version of the industry-leading Beta-RAM radio-HPLC detector from LabLogic Systems

Latest pharma software on show at SOT meeting


LabLogic's laboratory information management system and chromatography software for the pharmaceutical metabolism industry will be to the fore at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology (15th -19th March, Baltimore, USA).

Counter is easy to use for LSC and luminescence


"You can transport it in the boot of a car; then it's just one button to select a program and away you go"

Change to 1:1 scintillation cocktail saves CRO 50%


LabLogic Systems has helped one of its clients to halve its scintillation cocktail costs for radio-HPLC work.

XenoBiotic Laboratories chooses Debra LIMS


Contract research organisation XenoBiotic Laboratories, Inc. (XBL) has purchased LabLogic Systems' Debra LIMS solution to manage ADME data at its New Jersey research facility.

Imperial College gets the latest for liquid scintillation counting


The new Hidex 300SL from LabLogic Systems - the latest technology at a competitive price.

User feedback tunes up new release of ADME LIMS


LabLogic Systems already has six sites validating Debra 5.7, the latest release of its LIMS for non-clinical ADME studies.

Netherlands CRO chooses LabLogic detector/software package


Dutch CRO NOTOX BV has installed a Beta-RAM 4 radio flow-through detector and Laura 4 data collection and analysis software from LabLogic Systems at its 's-Hertogenbosch laboratories.

β-RAM end of year offer


Until the end of 2008 radiochromatographers can trade in their existing radio-detector for the new IN/US β-RAM 4 from LabLogic Systems at an attractive price.

Get the best radio-HPLC detector for less


If you want the radio-HPLC flow-through detector that the pharmaceutical industry prefers but at much less cost, the answer is a reconditioned Beta-RAM from LabLogic Systems.

LabLogic to join UKTI trade mission to AAPS meeting


Nucleonic instrumentation and software specialist LabLogic Systems is stepping up its presence at this year's Annual Meeting of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (Atlanta, USA - 16th - 20th November).

CRO chooses flexible LIMS user licence


Kansas-based contract laboratory Xenometrics LLC is taking advantage of the new flexible licensing options available for Debra, LabLogic Systems' LIMS for non-clinical ADME studies.

LabLogic meeting customers online


LabLogic Systems has introduced web conferencing as an additional means of maintaining dialogue with its customers.

'New for old' liquid scintillation counter deal solves source disposal problem


Until December 2008 LabLogic Systems is accepting any liquid scintillation counter in part exchange for the new Hidex 300 SL - and will also dispose of the old counter's internal radiation source into the bargain.

Laura / Acquity UPLC interface is up and running


Release 4.0.3 of LabLogic Systems' Laura data management program includes an interface for controlling the Acquity UltraPerformance LC system from Waters Corporation.

ADME LIMS suitable for unlabelled compound data


Millennium Pharmaceuticals of Cambridge, Massachusetts is the latest company to install LabLogic’s Debra LIMS.

Buoyant sales reflect problem-solving successes


Radiochromatography specialist LabLogic Systems has made a strong start to its 2008-9 financial year, with double-digit growth in all areas - software, instruments and consumables.

Reconditioned RHPLC detector is an entry-level bargain


Life science departments in higher education who struggle to meet their radio-HPLC detection needs with the funding available should consider investing in a reconditioned Beta-RAM 2 from LabLogic Systems.

Latest Debra has Protein Binding module


A new Protein Binding module is available with Debra 5.7, the latest release of LabLogic’s ADME LIMS.

ADME LIMS keeps an eye on sampling time deviations


The latest release of Debra, LabLogic Systems' LIMS for non-clinical ADME studies, makes it even easier to collect and monitor time data for blood PK samples.

Keeping tabs on radioisotopes - and more


Recent new users of Stacy, the sample management and radioisotope inventory system from LabLogic Systems, are still finding new applications for the software.

FlowLogic 1:1 scintillation cocktail preferred for radio-HPLC


A leading CRO recently secured a contract in which the sponsor required the use of Flowlogic 1:1 scintillation cocktail for all radio-HPLC work.

New liquid scintillation counter needs no radioactivity source


The new 300 SL liquid scintillation counter from LabLogic Systems does away with the need to have a standard source of radioactivity to compensate for the quench phenomenon for pure beta emitters.

LabLogic User Group celebrates 25 years


UK-based nucleonic instrumentation and scientific software specialist LabLogic Systems this month celebrates the 25th anniversary of its first User Group meeting.

Poster shows low-level counting system gives clearer peaks


LabLogic Systems is presenting a poster at the 10th European ISSX Regional Meeting (Vienna, 18th - 21st May) to demonstrate its SoFie system for counting low activity metabolite samples.

New autoradiography software to debut at ESA meeting


Delegates to the 7th European Society of Autoradiography Meeting (Salzburg, 11th - 14th May) will be the first to see the 2.1 release of Seescan, LabLogic Systems' software for quantitative Whole Body Autoradiography (WBA) image analysis.

Low level counting system is up and running


LabLogic Systems reports a good first year for the uptake of SoFie, its new system for counting low activity samples.

Pharmas favour risk-based validation


As a long-standing supplier of GLP system validation services, LabLogic Systems has observed a trend in recent years towards risk-based validation for commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) systems rather than the traditional IQ, OQ and PQ validation phases.

User Group calls for radiochromatography / LIMS papers


LabLogic Systems is calling for papers for its 2008 LIMS and Radiochromatography User Group, to be held at the San Diego Hilton on the 9th and 10th October.

Waters and LabLogic Announce Collaboration


Waters Corporation and LabLogic Systems Ltd. have agreed to collaborate on developing interface software for LabLogic's (Sheffield, UK) Laura™ Radiochromatography System and make it compatible with Waters® ACQUITY® UltraPerformance LC&#174

Radio-detection essentials available on-line


LabLogic Systems complements its core offering of radiochemical detection software and instrumentation with an 'online store' of ancillaries demanded by its customers and proven in service.

End-of-year offers give life labs extra value


LabLogic Systems is making a range of special offers until 31 March that will help UK Life Sciences laboratories squeeze the last drop of value out of their budgets as the end of the financial year looms.

Pharma CRO adopts common radiochromatography data platform


A leading international drug development CRO has introduced LabLogic's Laura chromatography data collection and analysis system at one of its North American sites, bringing it into line with its UK counterpart.

LabLogic/INUS 2008 LIMS and Radiochromatography User Group


We are pleased to confirm the dates and location for our 2008 LIMS and Radiochromatography User Group. The event will be held at the San Diego Hilton, San Diego, USA, on the 9th and 10th October 2008.

Free brochure has answers to fast LC problems


New literature from LabLogic Systems identifies problems often encountered by radio-chromatographers using Fast LC in order to achieve better resolution, and describes how they can be overcome.

Multi-skilled microplate reader finds many applications


The Plate Chameleon V microplate reader incorporates six different detection technologies and uses fibreless detection geometry to guarantee the highest performance from all of them.

Autoradiography analysis software cuts user's WBS costs


One of the longest-standing users of LabLogic's Seescan software for Whole Body Section (WBS) autoradiography analysis anticipates savings of up to 1.5 man day equivalents per study after installing the latest version of the program.

Debra times six for Sanofi-Aventis ADME research


Sanofi-Aventis has adopted LabLogic's Debra LIMS for non-clinical ADME studies across all six of its R&D locations in Europe and North America."

Trade-in your old radio-detector for the new, market leading β-RAM 4


Until the end of 2007 radiochromatographers can trade in their existing radio-detector for the new IN/US β-RAM 4 from LabLogic Systems at an attractive price.

Gamma HPLC detector measures up - day in, day out


A Gamma-RAM radio-HPLC detector controlled by LabLogic's Laura chromatography data capture and analysis software is giving long-term dependable results at Imperial College's Hammersmith Hospital Campus in London.

UCB chooses LabLogic software for Brussels R&D centre


UCB is the latest pharmaceutical company to invest in software for drug metabolism studies from LabLogic Systems.

Radiochromatography specialists at ISSX meeting


Two of the leading names in bio-medical research software and instrumentation are joining forces at the 8th meeting of the International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (ISSX), to be held in Sendai, Japan from 9 to 12 October 2007.

New chromatography software can handle more than ever


A solution to a common problem with e-signatures and more licensing options for evaluation copies are among the headline features of Laura 4

Office News


After over 20 years of leading the LabLogic team John Clapham has retired as Managing Director taking on the role of Chairman and Financial Director.

Debra User Group 2000


25th - 28th April 2000, joint Debra and Watson User Group, PA, USA. Catch up on this years topics and presentations.

Trace 2


LabLogic announces the release of it's new Trace 2.0 system which tracks Metabolites and extractions. Find out what benefits our new system, designed for Windows 95/98/NT, can bring to your working environment.

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